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Posts posted by JTcardscolts

  1. OK so the same people that were saying Peyton was done and will never play again, with the little info they had, are now saying, "hold on, lets wait and see if is arm strength is back to normal before we start rushing to any conclusions."


  2. You know, if we pick up his option, and he can't play, it will pretty much cripple this team for the next few years right? That's the issue. I would think that people who want to make the "All he's done for the team" argument wouldn't want his last action as a Colt to be condemning us to salary cap heck.

    I'm not saying you have to release him, only that you have to be darn sure he's going to play if you pick up that option. The alternative can not happen regardless of how much Manning has done for this franchise and city.

    Listen your media friends, you know the ones you believe 100% of what they say, aren't talking about whether or not he can play anymore. Payton has put an end to that speculation they are now talking about where he will play next year(you don't know this?)...now you would think that one would have some gratitude for a guy who is prolly the soul reason the team is still in Indy. With that said cutting a healthy peyton and our next QB(luck) being a bust(anything is possible) would be even more crippling to the team.

    Plus if Peyton wasnt healthy enough to go next season do you think he would let the colts make that mistake? I don't.

  3. Just got done watching a segment of M&M and of course the topic is where might PM go when/if he is cut next week (from Schefter's mouth). They went through a bunch of places with Arizona fitting the bill of what Manning would be looking for. They mentioned Seattle but dismissed that being someplace he would like to go, not sure why thats the case. Here is what I see:

    AFC North- I just can't see him wanting to finish up a career in any of those citys with possibly the exception of Baltimore and I think Baltimore would be wise to stick with Flacco in the long term rather than flirt with a short term Manning trial. No way in Cleveland and the other 2 teams are set at QB.

    AFC East- Again, I can't see him going to play 2 games a year against the Pats for the division win. I don't think it will be good to have both Mannings in New York either so I don't see that working out well. Also a lot of outdoor cold games to be played, who wants that?

    AFC South- Houston has a very good QB now, Jax won't spend that kinda money IMO to get him but would be interesting although they too have kinda been in rebuild mode for awhile now and MJD is aging. Tennessee, well I think this is the place to go if he goes anywhere and will discuss at the end.

    AFC West- Chargers have a probowl QB now so no. Radiers are the raiders and have a lot of money and 1st round picks lost to their qb's now so I don't see that a place he would choose. Denver could be a dark horse landing spot if behind the scenes, the bosses really understand that Tebow is barely good enough to keep them in games at best but is a marketing tool. So is Peyton and he is a winner on and off the field. KC would be an intriguing landing spot as well. They have a very nice structure their. Good RB, nice defense, players coach, history of football etc...

    NFC North-Green Bay, why discuss it.NO! No to Detroit, very solid QB already in place. Chicago could happen but again, your playing a lot of outdoor cold games and the Bears have a disfunctional front office/owner situation IMO. Minny, MEH, I just could imagine it but it is a possibility. He could have Charlie Johnson protecting his blindside again :)

    NFC East-No way does he play on any team that could upstage his little brother, not at this stage in his career. No way!

    NFC South-Tampa Bay is the only spot I could see him landing, the other teams have their guy already in place. That team seems to be a cesspool of talent though IMO. Don't see it.

    NFC West-I could see any one of these 4 teams bidding for his services but only Arizona and San Fran having PM taking a serious look. St. Louis is a mess and I wouldn't want to spend my last 3-4 years trying to resurrect a team in order to acheive the pinnacle of his sport, a SB win. I guess I could see Seattle putting a serious push for him. Owner has the money if he wants to pay it, the team overall seems workable and we have all seen what a healthy PM can do for a garbage team.

    So my overall thought is Tennessee would be the team, if offered, that Manning would choose to go to. 1) its his home away from home and look at his worship from his college days. He would own the town day 1. 2) That defense is solid 3) he has a good oline there 4) a top shelf (weird) RB 5) and just an organization that would bend over backwards for him. I cant believe talking heads have not even mentioned this stop as a posibility.

    1. Tennesee

    2. KC

    3 San Fran

    4. Arizona

    5. Seattle

    6. Tampa

    7. Minny

    8. Chicago

    9. Jets

    10. Miami

    Thats my list in order but I am hopeful the number one destination is either Indy or retired as a Colt!!

    It's funny u post this cause I was listening too and thinking about doing the same. But mine thread would have been about how it was only yesterday they were all saying how Peyton was done and won't ever play again and at 36 he needs to hang it up, today he's like Lebron James choosing where he wants to go. They don't want Peyton to stay in Indy cause they won't anything to talk about...

    The SB is in 4 days and Peyton came out and said what he felt, yet these jokers are still talking about this, do what I did turn the station...

    Espn= pathetic

  4. You obviously don't understand the total unpredictability of nerve regeneration. Heck....the doctors don't even know exactly how this will turn out. I'm not a Manning basher.....I love the guy........but I'm a realist. So many of you Manning fans are looking at this with blinders. Of coarse Peyton is optimistic. Why would he work so hard to get back if he wasn't 100% optimistic. With that being said there is still a certain percentage of recovery that is out of his hands. Only time will tell.

    And your a pro(doctor, if so my apologizes)

    But his doctors/trainers keep telling him good news, and that's different from what the "sources" and so called espn experts are saying.

    Fact is, we'll kno the truth eventually and until then if your name isn't Jim Irsay or Peyton Manning then they(espn) should keep mouth shut and spare us from all the speculation. Everyone knows Peyton likes to keep his business in house, he obviously felt that he had to come out and talk to put some of the fire out. And IMO did u watch the interview(it was for Gatorade)? He looked pi**ed, looked like he was about to jump out that chair and start choking that dude..

  5. Like Irsay said ..... The Horseshoe comes first ...and as a Colts fan the Horseshoe comes before Manning. Players don't last forever....franchises do...So once Manning has retired who will you follow ? I will and always be a Colts fan first.....

    And like a lot of people and "sources" have said, if it wasn't for #18 the horseshoe might have packed bags and headed to LA already....that has to count for something...
  6. C'mon....get out of here with your logic.... LOL. Just because Peyton was extremely optimistic in the interview today people want to make the jump that he will be recovered 100%. So much of that is still out of his hands. Rehab can only go so far.

    Hahaha now that's funny you'll take the word of a "source" before you'll believe the person himself....

    Thanks for the laugh I need that....

  7. I don't know if Peyton will be healthy enough (again, define this as 100% like pre-injury Peyton, or something less) to play by March 8, when the option bonus is due. I have not heard any objective opinion from the professionals (doctors/trainers/coaches) about the projection of his abilities since his surgeries. All I have are subjective vague accounts of "progressing" and "feeling good" and "trying to get better", all of which may or may not add up to being healthy enough (as Irsay/Colts define it) to play.

    Additionally, we know the financial impact that Peyton will have on the salary cap of the team.

    We also have an educated guess of what Luck 's financial impact will have on the salary cap on the team.

    Together, we have a projection of how Peyton, and Luck together with a #3 QB will impact that salary cap of the team.

    Taking these 3 factors into consideration, I find it difficult to rationalize the keep Peyton and draft Luck scenario.

    I also find it difficult to rationalize the keep Peyton if he is anything less than

    a) 100% healthy compared to pre-injury Peyton, and

    b) projected that he can play all 4 remaining years of his current contract at this level.

    IMO, the least risky option is release Peyton, and draft Luck in terms of the long term interests of the team.

    But I am not the owner of the team,

    Irsay will do as he chooses.

    I'm not going to read very much into how well Peyton's rehab maybe going. The real point is if he will be considered (by the Colts) a risk worth taking come March 8. If yes, then he will get paid his bonus, and stay with the team until otherwise. If no, he will be released.

    Whether the Colts will use a 100% criteria (compared to pre-injury Peyton) or something less to judge the risk, I don't know.

    so which one is it? are you "reading into his rehab" or not?

    And you seem to have a short memory my friend it was only yesterday 2 sources came out and said Peyton shouldn't play again, and all espn was talking about how he has plateaued and not making any more progress, and his days in the NFL are over. I bet if I look through some threads your "reading into his rehab" then.

    Bottom line is your pushing your own agenda, as am I. the only difference is I have Peyton himself saying he's progressing fine, and you only have "sources" your going off of.

  8. You're right.... I don't know but its probably realistic.

    The point was it will cost 17 million salary cap dollars to find out. And THAT is only next year's cap hit.

    We have Reggie, Mathis and others that need to be resigned or let go AND the weaknesses at CB/OG/DT/SS to address.

    And even a trade down of the #1 pick would realistically require a season or two for those prospects to develop.

    Taking that overall picture into account.... and how QB-centric we've been over the years.... I think Irsay is making the right long term decision if he decides that we release Peyton Manning and begin a full rebuild with his rehab status so cloudy.

    And I say that with full repsect and appreciation for what Manning has done for the Colts and the city.

    I understand the money aspect of it, do u think PM wouldn't be willing to take a pay cut for more SB runs? After all is was Irsay who wanted to pay Peyton that much.

    Now to my next point cause you just made it...

    QB centric, thats what I've been saying all along. You want to give up 4 1st round draft picks for 1 QB. Sounds QB centric to me...

    And rookies tend to make and immediate impact on defense.

    And for the record I agree with you about centering your team around one player(QB), Peyton or no Peyton I think they should trade that pick. But that's just MO.

  9. I know there are many threads on this but I have never read it quite like I look at it. Just wanted to give my opinion and then here some responses.

    Bottom line is we have a choice here. As of now we have Manning and the #1 pick.

    We could draft Luck and release Manning but the trade value of the 1st pick is AT LEAST 2 1st round picks and a 2nd. So the choice is Luck or Manning and 3 picks. Basically by drafting Luck we would be trading Manning, 2 1st rnd, and a 2nd for him.

    Without the media trying to spin this into peyton retiring, all signs point towards him playing this year. I just dont see how giving up Manning, 2 1st round, and a 2nd for Luck makes sense.

    Someone please tell me why Luck is a better choice than Manning and 3 new studs....

    I get what your saying, and completely agree with all of it....

    Until Peyton says hes done...and only Peyton....in my mind he'll be on the field next year in blue and white.

    Go head say I'm in denial, and I'll say your right. I'm denying everybody else the opportunity to make my up for me...

    As them kind folks from Missouri would say...show me.

  10. So how are you Caldwell haters going to feel when Flacco is progressing and the Colts are struggling? Are you still going to bring up a time-out against the Jets? I'm happy for Caldwell, he took a lot more of blame than he deserved.

    I think Joe is a good QB already. But you are right he prolly did take to much of the blame, but all head coaches do. Caldwel might be a great position coach, where he can teach and/or coach that position. But to be a head coach you need to be able to motivate and manage the clock, he has proven he could do neither.
  11. Hahaha can u imagine him and John Harbaugh standing on the side lines together...

    Harbaugh would be yelling at him "why the he// did u call a time out for? It's their ball and the clock was running"

    Caldwel, with his arms crossed with the same ole blank look on his face were all so accustomed too. "sorry John. I got nervous"

  12. The names? How u expect them to show results? when the real season has not started yet- Why not check back a year from now, some fans here eating 2 much fruity loops.

    Yea cause the coaches can show results in the offseason....c'mon man...really... That's what were talking about, u got it....please
  13. Exactly right! :manning:

    Lets not throw out the old war horse before we know the new Colt can carry us to the front

    True I'll give them the time they are due, but if Peyton is healthy and cut and they draft there " NFL ready" QB that'll be one year cause after all he is NFL ready
  14. with all due respect to our New Head coach, offensive coordinator and defensive coorditanor...

    their names and recent job history mean little to me.

    What someone did with Pittsburgh or Baltimore's talent has no bearing on what they will do with Indy's talent......

    We have names and faces but we have little else...

    until someone talks with our new coaches (and they answer) about exactly what they plan to do...player-wise

    Certainly its being discussed and there's plenty of time before the draft....but I dont want to be 2-14 again

    because we 'started from scratch'...

    We have little idea of what these new men will do...

    Its easy to tear things apart......

    The hard part is putting them back together

    Names are names show me results.....Peyton did
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