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Status Updates posted by RockThatBlue

  1. Back.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nadine


      Hey! So good to see you!

    3. RockThatBlue


      Good to be back. Just had a lot going on the last year which I'm sure is true for everybody.

    4. Nadine
  2. Took a little break but I'm back.

    1. NFLfan


      Glad to see you back. You were missed.

    2. NorthernBlue


      Welcome back! You one of my favourite posters on here!

    3. southwest1


      Nice to see that RTB has returned. We all need a holiday now & then. No sweat. Glad to see your re-emergence once again. :thmup:

  3. I trust in Ballard. 

  4. Sounds like Indy will be getting an ice storm tonight with some snow too. Be careful out there folks 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Malakai432


      Yeah fortunately it’s all melting now.

    3. 2006Coltsbestever


      Yeah not too bad out here. We got lucky.

    4. RockThatBlue


      Yeah the weathermen got it wrong it looks like. Wasn't nearly as bad as they were saying.

  5. Sad to hear of the passing of Malcom Young. One of the all time greats.

  6. Please Fire Pagano.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRustonRifle#7


      Glad I couldn't view that whooping...ooops sorry for the double post.

    3. NorthernBlue


      In other news, I hope Michigan Football keeps losing.....

    4. 2006Coltsbestever


      Interim Philbin, then bring in my man Jim Harbaugh. We need to quit messing around.

  7. Only a couple of weeks until Colts training camp begins. Very excited! Football is almost back.

    1. NFLfan


      Not a moment too soon. haha


      Here is something for Colts fans if it has not already been posted. 



    2. TheRustonRifle#7


      Can't wait!...plus the end of these south Florida summers begins to wane...............

  8. Not many things beat a 3 day weekend. Hope all of you are having a terrific holiday weekend!

    1. southwest1


      Thanks RTB. Same to you. Remember to take a moment & pay respect to all veterans past & present who protect our liberties both stateside & abroad. 


      Especially the fallen ones who made the ultimate sacrifice as well as the soldiers, sailors, air men, coast guard, & marines doing tours in remote corners of the globe right now. 


      Thank you to all the spouses & children of military men & women serving as well. 

  9. The NBA playoffs this year have been absolutely terrible. Super teams are ruining a once very good sport. Too bad.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RockThatBlue


      Boston will almost certainly lose tonight. No way LeBron only scores 11 points again. 

    3. 2006Coltsbestever


      I agree, no way the Cavs lose tonight, if they lose tonight that would be embarrassing. The Celtics are without their best player and the Cavs have so much more talent on the court and are at home. This honestly shouldn't even be close after what happened the other night.

    4. TheRustonRifle#7


      It is too bad that Isaiah got hurt as Boston possibly could have sold high on him this off season.  His offense doesn't overcome his defensive liabilities.

  10. I'm so ready for the draft 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RockThatBlue


      Either of those 2 would be good picks IMO.

    3. alawai


      Draft day!  Ah that means football season is around the corner. One little problem, whoever we draft the forum will go nuts and call for the resignation of GM Ballard!

    4. RockThatBlue


      Faaaarrr Ballard

  11. Happy Easter my friends!

    1. NFLfan


      Same to you and your family.

  12. Cant believe March Madness is already almost here

  13. Alright, which one of yall did this?


    Draft season is already off the rails. Mailbag Question: "If Watson or Trubisky is there, will the Colts draft one and replace Luck?"

  14. Unbelievable weather for February


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. southwest1


      Can I swing by for some chicken & Coors on the grill too GFB? Sounds delicious & I'll even help you clean up afterwards too. 

    3. alawai


      No problem SW1 but it's already leftovers!

    4. alawai


      How 'bout tomorrow night will be doing a stew/soup or whatever I can find in the cabinet/refrigerator/freezer!... Sorry RTB but when SW1 and I start we sometimes get off the subject a little!  Lol!

  15. Tom Brady is without doubt one of the greatest ever, but it can't really be denied that his last 2 super bowls were basically handed to him. If the Seahawks and Falcons just run the ball, the Pats lose both, and we would be talking about how Brady has lost 4 super bowls in a row. Funny how success is such a fine line.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RockThatBlue


      They should've had Shanahan hand Brady the SB trophy, because thats basically what he did anyway.

    3. Synthetic



      He came back and won after throwing a pick six...unlike someone else we know. lmao

    4. NFLfan


      I did not see the postgame interviews. Did Shanahan explain the rationale for calling those plays? I am still shaking my head. 


      I so appreciate the Giants for beating the Pats twice. Imagine Brady with 7 SB rings!

  16. Would be thrilled if Ballard is the hire.

    1. southwest1


      How thrilled are you now RTB now that the deal has been done? 


      Are we talking cartwheels or fire me out of a cannon happy? Just curious. LOL! 

  17. Its happening.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NorthernBlue


      I don't know what's even going on haha my heads spinning. Go irsay

    3. 2006Coltsbestever


      How about that, I was wrong after all. Irsay stepped up and fired a shot heard around the world. I guess missing the Playoffs 2 years in a row was enough to make a move. It is definitely the right move.

    4. teganslaw


      It took irsay long enough, but finally made the necessary move.

  18. I'm curious to hear your opinions on what you think Irsays silence means. I think we can all agree that it means something, but what?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RockThatBlue


      I feel like there is something to the Manning/Gruden rumors. I don't know if either will happen, but I do think Irsay was having conversations with them. Just seems like something is, or was happening with those two. Maybe Irsay couldn't reach a deal.

    3. RockThatBlue


      But if he couldn't reach a deal, why not come out and say he is making no changes? Thats the confusing part.

    4. 2006Coltsbestever


      Chuck being under contract makes me think Irsay wont make a move but I do think there is some truth that he is interested in Gruden and even Peyton.

  19. Its not over until its over. Congrats to Clemson!

    1. 2006Coltsbestever


      What's next? We had Peyton go out a Champion as an underdog vs the Pats and Panthers, Cavs came back from 3-1 in the Finals to beat the 73-9 Warriors as an underdog for that cities 1st Title in 52 years, Cubs came back from 3-1 in the WS and won the WS for the 1st time in 108 years, now Clemson comes back being down 14-0 to beat an undefeated Bama team and win their 1st Title in 35 years! Could a team like the Chiefs or Falcons actually win the SB?

    2. NFLfan


      That was great! So happy for Swinney and Watson. What a way to end a tremendous college career!

    3. RockThatBlue


      I'm a huge fan of Dabo Swinney. He seems like such a great guy, very happy for him. 

  20. Who are all my Colts friends rooting for to win the super bowl?


    Me? The Packers. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 2006Coltsbestever


      I would be fine as long as the Pats, Seahawks, or Steelers don't win it all. I will probably need the Steelers to beat the Pats though but if that happens, hopefully the Steelers lose in the SB. My dream SB out of the teams that are in it now would be Chiefs vs Packers. I could watch that with ease and enjoy it.

    3. RockThatBlue


      I think Packers vs Pats would be a fun super bowl. I hate Tom Brady but Rodgers vs Brady would be awesome to watch. I REALLY hope one day we can get a Rodgers vs Luck super bowl.

    4. 2006Coltsbestever


      Eventhough I don't like Seattle, I would love to see Wilson vs Luck one day.

  21. I'm gonna turn into a skeleton waiting for news on the Colts.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 2006Coltsbestever


      I agree. I do think something is going on, all joking side like I am doing on the other Thread.

    3. RockThatBlue


      I do too. I think theres some truth to the Peyton rumors.

    4. NorthernBlue


      I think so too. Not sure if you guys seen this yet.




      I think Irsay wants him in to the fold, but it's Manning whose being hesitant. 

  22. Love him or hate him, Nick Saban is the GOAT. I don't see how its even a debate anymore. 

    1. 2006Coltsbestever


      In College he is, I agree. I know some people want him to Coach the Colts but I am not sure about him in the Pro's if he decided to come back to the NFL. His stint with the Dolphins was Average.

    2. RockThatBlue


      Hes pretty much the Bill Belichick of college coaches. Its pretty amazing what he does.

    3. Synthetic



      Completely different era of college football where big money helps more than anything, and he was an absolute failure in the NFL. He's an OK coach, but I doubt he would have the same success with an NFL team or a college team that didn't spend 32X more on football than the rest of the country. 


      I would take Bear Bryant over him, easily. Bryant's players went into the NFL and many of them became hall of famers, including a number of QB's. Nick Saban has only one QB going into the NFL that has won a regular season game. 

  23. Who is the more overrated coach? Jeff Fisher or Rex Ryan? How either of those 2 got more than 1 HC job is beyond me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Synthetic



      I'd say Rex Ryan, solely because many truly believe he is this awesome defensive coordinator; regardless of the fact that the Jets had years of Mangini who was building that defense, and the Ravens were always LOADED on defensive talent back in the 2000's. 


      Buffalo had a top 5 ranked unit when he got there and it has always been ranked in the 20's, regardless of all the talent he started with. 



      Jeff Fisher is proof that you can luckily reach a SB and it build your entire career from there. If Rex gets in 2009 or 2010 with the Jets, I swear, he would be the next Fisher. 


    3. Malakai432


      I'd say Rex.  I used to think Jeff Fisher was a pretty good coach when he was with the Titans.  He had 6 post season appearances with the Titans during his tenure there and also got the Titans to the Super Bowl where his D held the greatest show on turf to only 23 points and was a yard away from a tie game forcing it into OT.  He has had some great years w the Titans.  I don't think there are many coaches that could do much with this Rams team.  I don't think they've had a good QB since Warner.  

    4. Synthetic



      Rams were up 16-0 going into the 4th quarter of that SB.....All they needed was one turnover, and it would've been the nail in the coffin. No comeback for Tennessee had they turned it over just once. That was one of the weirder SB's that had zero turnovers resulting in a close game, just like the Giants/Bills SB. 


      Fisher wasn't entirely the problem in Tennessee, and I used to defend him cause Bud Adams was one of the worst owners in the league. His meddling with the team goes back a long time before Jerry Jones started to play GM in Dallas. Adams traded Warren Moon in blame for playoff losses. When Fisher was there, he locked Steve McNair out of the training facility and cut him. There was also the infamous Vince Young incident where Adams demanded to keep Young despite getting out played by an old man Kerry Collins. 


      Fisher had his chance to prove that he was a good coach though with the Rams. All those draft picks from the RGIII trade, it's just no excuse at all that he couldn't build a team with that. In Tennessee, you could partly blame Bud Adams, but with the Rams, it's all on Fisher. 

  24. Merry Christmas fellow Colts fans and other non Colts fans friends!

    1. southwest1


      I hope Santa was good to ya RTB & you received  much more than a lump of coal in your stocking. 


      Last night on TV, I watched "The Santa Clause" starring Tim Allen. Despite being a PG Disney flick, that movie has some good next level jokes in it. Case in point: 


      "Johnny, naughty. Gary, nice. Veronica, very nice." "In your dreams, sleigh boy."


      "You know, you look pretty good for your age." Thanks, but I'm seeing someone in wrapping."


      If you have never seen the film, a materialistic salesman living in Chicago startles Santa on his roof. The guy in the red suit disappears, his son Charlie encourages his father Scott Calvin [S.C. initials] to put on the suit & deliver presents with the help of Rudolf, & to make a long story short Scott becomes the next Saint Nick via a business card clause in the old Chris Cringle suit. The clause reads as follows: 


      "The Santa Clause: In putting on this suit and entering the sleigh, the wearer waives any and all rights to any previous identity, real or implied, and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities of Santa Claus, in perpetuity until such time that the wearer becomes unable to do so, by either accident or design." 


      Legal jargon like the word perpetuity in a children's picture just strikes me as funny. Not to mention the passive aggressive attitude that Tim Allen's character over the notion of becoming Santa Claus himself & his early resistance to the new gig. 


      In addition, I liked seeing Santa & company get his groove on to ZZ Top's 'Sharp Dressed Man' as he fully embraces his new role & additional weight gain too. 

  25. This is by far the best forum I use.

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