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Susie Q

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Susie Q last won the day on January 9 2012

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  1. Well it was on the news last night that the Explosion on the southside of Indy is now a Criminal Homiside Investigation. That is so sad that 2 innocent people lost their lives and many their homes are destroyed. I just hope they find those responsible and they are brought to justice.

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    2. MIColtsFan


      I'm guilty...of leaving my cat alone that is. If it is longer than a weekend, I had neighbors come and pet and check on her (if she would come to them that is) she would never do well in boarding. Getting in the car to the vet was traumatizing enough! Cat's don't like to move around.

    3. MIColtsFan


      but the bigger concern is the explosion, how sad, sounds like some people trying to get insurance money maybe? and then they killed some people in the process... terrible.

    4. MAC


      I was suggesting as much in the thread back when this happened - the daughter had told her Dad (divorced) about furnace problems and the cat, while the police were slow to label it an accident. Certainly smelled funny. The article also mentioned the house having been for sale for awhile, so maybe upside down on the mortgage and looking for a way out. Can you imagine if everyone with similar problems thought of this brilliant solution? Of course the word "casino" hints of other things.

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