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Posts posted by coltfaninnewyork

  1. I love this move. This gives the Rookies someone to learn from.

    lol,show them how to false start in your own stadium with no crowd noise?that said he is still a solid player and peyton apparently wanted him back.

  2. The NFL network, well some of their talking heads (Faulk, Deion) have always had it out for Peyton. Most know why (Faulk getting cut from the Colts, Deion getting burned by Peyton several times)...It just seems that they are always negative about Manning. Just my perception anyway. I would take Mortenson's/Clayton's reporting over any of the buffoons at the NFL Network any time.

    faulk was traded,but i do see some bias from faulk and mainly sanders.

  3. Lets pick up Matt Light. This is a veteran OT that knows how to protect his QB. He protected Bradys backside for years. And he can run block as well. I know he is older been in the league 11 years, but he is solid. He need someone on the outside of the line to watch Peytons back and help us with our strech plays that use to work and just seem to run out of steam the last few years.


    I don't think it will happen.They probaly will resign cj and by building the line through the draft this year it's not a great need.

  4. yeah we all do captain obvious..thats why we are saying he will be cheap n absolutely no risk if it doesnt work out

    im also thinkin brent grimes from atl is our best option in fa if colts dont go w cro

    ok,my point is getting someone cheap and someone who can actually play are two different things.

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