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Posts posted by coltfaninnewyork

  1. Yes I do I don't think any coach is the punching bags some fans think he is.

    Polian has never been a puppet master with Dungy, Mora, Cappers, or Levy. Why on earth do you think he just changed with Caldwell?

    Because those men you mentioned had established themselves as head coaches somewhere else.All except for capers i believe.

  2. Except for the fact Caldwell decides who plays and who doesn't not Polian. It's crazy with some fans, anytime something doesn't work right or someone isn't good it's because of Polian. Anytime a player that was found in the draft is a stud (IE Collie, Powers, Garcon over the past few years just to name a few) people talk about how Polian isn't as involed with the team anymore and it should either be Chris Polian or someone else who gets the credit. Frankly I think some of the Polian hate is a product of our fans egos. Some (and I don't know if you are one or not) still have not gotten over week 16 and Polian has become the fall guy for that.

    You know your football but do you honestly think caldwell is making those decisions?Polian is the puppetmaster in every way,just my opinion.I might be wrong.

  3. I didn't say it couldn't, I just said I think they will work on those issues. Still I see signs of improvement that I never saw with the 2006 team till the playoffs. Namely the DT spot. All night last night Johnson, Nevis, or Moala was pushing the guard and center back.

    The missed tackles things is what you have practice for it's something Caldwell mentioned by name after the game. IE I am sure it will be focused on. Frankly I think that was a product of a bad game and being tired from being out there all night last night. Also a lot of the missed tackles were by the back ups who aren't going to be on the roster in a few weeks and that would be why they wont. We were also missing Simms last night who by all reports has been tearing it up in camp. I am guessing right now Angerer goes to the bench in favor of him and that could fix some issues.

    Also, again like I said before the always tend to look poor in the pre-season because they just play their base stuff. They don't adjust to the problems. When they start adjusting to those poblems in the regulr season they look beter than the pre-season I have seen that show before as well.

    Your right about Pat i have not seen one flash from him,which is dissapointing i like him.

  4. Well thats the point of preseason, ain't it? As we are, the coaches are watching who is making tackles and who is not. #30 CB Caldwell is one that is most definitely not making tackles. There are many positives to take from the little we've seen, many guys making solid technique tackles.

    This is why we play the games.

    Well the skins tackled well,we are only 3 weeks from the start of the season.Bad tackling can be a sign of things to come.

  5. Yes missed tackles was a problem and I am sure they are going to work on that. With that said the defense you are running does matter because if it didn't teams would just run their base defense all the time. Team mix up their defense based on what they are seeing. I am sure had that been a real game last night you would have seen the Colts putting more guys in the box and blitzing some here and there and telling Freeney and Mathis to stay home on run support. Frankly the big run was a product of just that. Freeney went after the QB and Angerer got blocked out of the play and the dude was off to the races. If Freeney stayed home he either stops the guy or slows him down enough for someone else to get there. The Angerer getting blocked out the play did concern me, that's why I said he looked weak to me.

    Again though I wouldn't read too much into a pre-season game. When have the Colts ever looked good in a pre-season game since they have had Manning?

    Your not worried that this could carry over to the regular season{shoddy tackling},i mean we have seen this show before.

  6. Our first string looks pretty bad against a bad football team. Were only missing Peyton.

    You answered your own question,the first team is is not struggling,painter is struggling.Peyton is in there, we are fine.

  7. lol, its not like they would have missed it.


    although, this quote bothered me quite a bit:

    "Manning is currently on the Physically Unable to Perform list, and it’s been widely expected that he’ll be activated before the start of the regular season. But if he isn’t, he’ll have to miss the first six games."

    we are done-zo if he is still on the PUP list. 0-6 is alot worse than 3-4 in 2008, and we had to claw back from that mess.

    If peyton misses 6 games,then the season is over.That statement is obvious.Can someone explain to me why peyton did not have the surgery earlier?

  8. Don't be concerned about how the 'team' played, be concerned about how individual players executed. Missed tackles and assignments are areas of concern.

    I don't care if it's the Washington Generals, if we don't gameplan, try to exploit matchups, etc., we will lose. That's not important in a preseason game. But if individual players look like dung while losing, there's no reason to think they'll play better in the regular season.

    The other side to that coin, and it should concern the coaches, if you can't sustain a drive on offense, how can you see your players? (We're sure getting long looks at the D players, aren't we?)

    Your right but the tackling was pathetic,and that concerns me.The offense with painter is to be expected,i really did not like the missed tackles in the first half.

  9. Obviously.

    I shouldn't have to say how much I found myself in awe of painter tonight... Just did such a great job, right? Even Peyton himself has never been able to duplicate such a performance...

    Don't you know?If painter gets the same chance as manning he will be a star.

  10. I dont care who was on the field. If u can only manage one first down and one yard rushing in the first half, there are problems somewhere. You act like we had our powder puff team out there. This was Washington people. Washingtion. I will say it one more time, just like as many as first downs and rushing yards we had in the first half, Washington. Sorry for being a party pooper.

    Agree,100 percent.You have your apologists here who can spin it anyway they want.That was ugly and while the games do not count we looked terrible,and i am concerned.

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