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Posts posted by coltfaninnewyork

  1. Well according to local TV station Channel 8 will have an interview with Peyton on the late night news. Maybe something will be said then. Who lnows but I will be watching for sure.

    Someone at the other forum posted about it,peyton said he will not play in the preseason and hopes to be ready for week 1 but is not sure.

  2. It's not an opinion in the exact same spot under Mora with Polian here we didn't rest our starters. That is a fact, it happened. Now based on that alone something has to give. Either 1, Polian isn't the one who believes in resting the starters and goes along with what his coach wants to do or 2, he can't be the puppet master he's accused of because he didn't tell Mora to sit the starters.

    The Dungy story is also not an opinion that is a fact based on a very public interview with Dan Patrick after Dungy left as our coach. Again if Polian was a puppet master he wouldn't have listened to Dungy on draft day nor draft the type of players Dungy wanted.

    Polian's track record of hiring coaches is not an opinion that is cold hard fact. Look at the coaches he has hired before Caldwell would you call any of them puppets? If he's a puppet master he wouldn't have hired those kinds of coaches.

    Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy endorsing Caldwell for the job is also not an opinion that too is a fact. It happened.

    There is also the fact that Caldwell is the one who pulled the starters. He was the only one on sideline that could do it. Clearly if he didn't want to pull the starters he wouldn't have done it.

    It is also a fact that Caldwell has fired coaches and hired almost all the coaching staff since he took over. If he was just a puppet he wouldn't be doing that.

    Also if Caldwell is just a puppet for Polian explain the timeouts Caldwell has taken. Those have been Caldwell's calls so clearly he has some kinda power.

    Those are all facts. Those are things that happened. Based on all those things I've to the opinion that Caldwell is not some puppet being controled by Polian. It doesn't add up. The myth that Caldwell is a puppet is just that a myth.

    The only fact is that they said it,but what i am trying to tell you it does not mean it's true.Yes caldwell has power on sunday for 60 minutes,anything after that would be miniscule.I will agree caldwell has complete autonomy on gameday,i never would dispute that.When the starters would be pulled was made before the game.You do understand caldwell works for polian not the other way around.

  3. That we didn't have a history of resting the starters till Dungy was here. In fact under Mora we played the starters in a similar spot. To most people that would suggest Polian isn't the one who brought in the idea of resting the starters and lets his coaches make that call.

    Yes Polian track record of hiring coaches tends to lend it's self to the idea that he isn't just looking for a puppet to control and it would be a rather large jump to thnk that the he just changed his mind when he hired Caldwell.

    There is also the fact that Caldwell was trained by Dungy is it really so shocking to think that maybe just maybe Caldwell believes in resting the starters just like Dungy did?

    I also laid out the story Dungy told about the war room on draft days where it was give and take between the two. If Polian was this puppet master why would he have listened to Dungy and drafted players Dungy wanted? It just doesn't add up.

    There is also the fact that Caldwell is the one who had to take the starters out of the game. If he really didn't want to give up on the perfect season he wouldn't have taken them out. Do you really think Irsay would have let Polian fire Caldwell over it? What else could have Polian done if Caldwell did that?

    There is also the very public fact that Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy both publically endorsed Caldwell for the job do you really think both of them would have endorsed him if they thought he was just a puppet for Polian?

    Still everything you say is just a theory and opinion...not a fact.When you say dungy said this or said that, it is heresay.Do you think anyone who is paid by the organization would ever really tell you what goes on ,behind the scenes?Think about it,polian would never disrespect or undermine caldwell publically?The illusion of caldwell having any control is just that, an illusion.

  4. no not a troll.....honest opinion...and I for one agree...tweeting which qb we want is a joke...and this should of been addressed already, what anyone sees in painter i will never know...I saw 1 quarter of the 3rd string guy in chicago (caleb Hanie) and i'm still talking about that kid....some have it some don't. Painter just does not have it..But lets not play the troll card when someone says something your just not ready to admit...

    I hope jimmy boy is not raiding the medicine cabinet,i agree making light by asking fans who we want is a joke.The question might be why did we possibly put our season in the hand's of painter?

  5. I'll ask you one more offer up some real proof not your opinion that Polian ordered Caldwell to bench the starters. If you are right you shouldn't have a problem presenting that proof.

    I have told you I offered you my opinoin on what happened and I showed you the facts I based it off. You have yet to back up to your point and I am still waiting on you to do so. The best you got is that Polian fired Mora because he wouldn't fire a coach that deserved to be fired and that Irsay told Polian he wanted fired.

    Your opinion was based on what facts?That polian had no history of involving himself in coaching decisions,can i ask you were you in the meeting room when this was discussed?You surmised this as fact based on past precedent.So i ask you sir where are your facts?

  6. That was a completely different situation, namely Irsay told Polian he wanted a change made for starters. Second, everyone agreed that Fangio needed to go that his system was not working for this team. You are desperately trying to find something to back up your point and it's not working.

    Who's everyone?I bet mora did not agree.

  7. I am right,always were.Your the guy who somehow thinks caldwell makes personal decisions,when everybody in the freeworld knows thats a bunch of crap.Polian runs every aspect of this team right down to the propeganda machine that you have bought into hookline and sinker.And i'm fine with polian running this team,not saying this is a bad thing.

  8. He just simpely pointed out there were more issues there than just the QB play. He did NOT say the QBs played well. In fact he didn't say if how he felt about their play. He's just pointing out that QB isn't our only issue right now.

    He also didn't dismiss it he just pretty much said well if the owner wants me too I will. He has never said Painter is his guy. Painter is here becuase Painter is cheap.

    You missed what I said about Caldwell. I was saying Polian has a track record of hiring those kinds of coaches and if Polian had the ego where he as going down and telling the coach what to do it would have showed up BEFORE Caldwell. He would have never hired a guy like Mora if that was the case.

    he did tell a coach like mora what to do,and when he did not he was fired,and mora was a veteran and well respected coach.Fangio was well respected as well and was fired from coaching a defense that had no talent.No freeney no Mathis to name two.

  9. He just simpely pointed out there were more issues there than just the QB play. He did NOT say the QBs played well. In fact he didn't say if how he felt about their play. He's just pointing out that QB isn't our only issue right now.

    He also didn't dismiss it he just pretty much said well if the owner wants me too I will. He has never said Painter is his guy. Painter is here becuase Painter is cheap.

    You missed what I said about Caldwell. I was saying Polian has a track record of hiring those kinds of coaches and if Polian had the ego where he as going down and telling the coach what to do it would have showed up BEFORE Caldwell. He would have never hired a guy like Mora if that was the case.

    FACT,polian fired mora because he refused to fire d-cordinator vic fangio.

  10. Yeah I can provide facts that support my conclusion your's is based on you just don't like Polian.

    Facts?all you offered was your version of the topic.For the record i like polian,so stop telling me that i don't like polian.So you believe it was caldwell who decided to rest the players,and caldwell alone who says who plays and who doesn't.Also so you can quote what happened with dungy,how does that make it fact that caldwell has the same clout?You can't.

  11. Coltfaninnewyork, right on, you said what I should have. I think 99% of the civilized football world believes Polian made that historically bad decision to pull the starters in 2009. Polian likes to be different. Any other team goes for 16 and 0 and hopefully onward to a perfect season. When the starters came out there was like 5 quarters left in the regular season and neither the Jets or Bills would have been much of a threat to either injuring Manning or stopping a 16 and 0 season. Now I respect the Jets but at that point in the game in week 15 the Colts were in control and at home and Manning looked very comfortable.

    Even here in new york,polian was ripped for not going for history.What kind of message is that to send to players,dare to be great...embrace it.The players were clearly unhappy about it,after all the chance to go undefeated is a chance to make history.

  12. GoColts1888 you make a good point, we don't know for sure who made the final decision on pulling the starters in 2009. But if I remember correctly, Polian stated that there was a meeting with him, Caldwell and I'm not sure who else and then the decision was made to rest the starters. Why have this meeting??? Why not let your coach do his own thing. Obviously, Polian wanted to enforce his will and the fact that he was overly supportive of the decision without any regret leads me to further believe that it was his decision. I just can't imagine being in a meeting as a rookie head coach and going against the wishes of your boss Polian. Therefore, the final decision was from Polian. If I'm a professional coach who lives and breathes for winning games and want my players to be that way, my vote is to let's go after a perfect season. Caldwell probably felt the same way but he couldn't go against the wishes of his boss as a rookie coach.

    Polian has always said i have no desire to go undefeated,our goal is to win a super bowl.So he rested the players this is not opinion but fact.Does anyone in the real world tell his boss how to do things?I think they may ask him for his opinion,but in the end it's polians decision.He coaches the players that polian picks for him,that is mainly his job here.All other decisions go to bill polian.I mean this is common knowledge around the league.

  13. You know what the perfect season thing was a product of Polian AND Caldwell. Again resting the starters did not start with Polian, as when they had Mora as a head coach when they had a chance to sit there starters vs. the Bills they played the starters. Even keeping them in the game when it was well out of reach up till Bennett getting hurt. It was Dungy who brought resting the staters here. It was then Dungy who trained Caldwell. Polian did what a good GM should do, he supported his head coach's choice. What I will agree with is that Polian's ego is what caused the PR nightmare after the fact.

    Now you are just making a lot assumpetions with the rest. Show one peace of proof that you have that it was Polian who made Caldwell pull the starters? Caldwell had to agree with the plan because it was him who made the call to take them out in the game. If he didn't they wouldn't have come out. What was Polian going to do fire a 15-0 coach on the brink of the playoffs? Not going to happen or Irsay would have shown him the door. Sorry Caldwell was on board with the call.

    You are blameing Polian for a lot of Caldwell's calls. Sounds like the guy you should be mad at is Caldwell.

    Dude,you make the assumption that we are wrong and your right,when the fact is you do not know and we do not know.So lets be fair and leave it at that.
  14. See that just means Caldwell didn't have the track record some of those guys had (Cappers and Levy were both first time NFL headcoaches under Polian). It does not mean Polian just pushes him around. If Polian was that kinda ego manic he would have never hired the other coaches he did becuase they wouldn't put up with Polian being a puppet master. If Polian was truly a puppet master he wuold have a track record of highing puppets, when in fact his track record is one of hiring guys who are anytihng but. Caldwell was hired because Dungy and Manning endorsed him and the Colts groomed him for the job, not because he was a puppet.

    The whole puppet master thing is something the fans have made up becuase they are mad about week 16 and it has grown out of that because it supports the blame Polian arguement.

    Safe to say none of us will ever know what exactly goes on behind the scenes,pure speculation.But can't help but feel caldwell would walk polians dog to have a head coaching job.While caldwell has interviewed for head coaching jobs hard to believe he was ever a real candidate.This is just my opinion.

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