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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. It's easy to pick this year. Obviously there are the Falcons who got every unfair break there was last year but they are well coached and they never quit playing hard. I think it will be a long time before they lose more than 8 games again. The Buccs could also do it because they have the best coach they've had in a long time who is coming off of a 1 year vacation. Since Lovie has never actually had to start from scratch though, I give the edge to the Falcons.


    If the Vikings win 9 or 10 games it will just be the latest version of the NFC North...4 junk teams whose second place team wins a fraudulent 8+ games just because of their schedule then gets mutilated by the Packers who everybody has picked for the SB until they lose their first playoff game.

  2. The Seahawks had a weak SB opponent because they played the better team the week before. They're still a solid team, but I'm taking the 49ers as the most complete, solid team. I know they have holes on paper but Harbaugh will have them playing like pros in no time as usual.

  3. I don't know how everybody knows everything about Tim Tebow when they apparently haven't watched him play or atleast read up on him. He's been offered positions as a FB and/or a TE more than once and flat out said "no." I'm not saying that was a wise a decision or anything...I'm just saying that's what happened. I also know that had Peyton freaking Manning not fell into the Bronco's lap, Tebow would have been the starter. No starting quarterback was going to survive being replaced by Peyton. Even if they were good, they would have been traded because they were good enough to trade. Shoot they even did alright trading Tim Tebow if you ask me (a 4th and 6th rounder).

  4. Blanda was 1 of if not the favorite player of John Madden. Madden always talked about him on commentary, particularly about how he cut him in favor of a younger kicker with a stronger leg who went on to miss a short kick under pressure to lose the playoff game that season. Finally getting cut was actually the only reason Blanda retired. He was also a tough as leather Y.A Tittle type quarterback who didn't always win, didn't always lose and didn't ever win pretty lol!

    My favorite Morten Anderson moment (Jim Mora!) was the Saints MNF game when his home crowd booed him louder than The Iron Shiek after another promising drive that stalled. Then they busted out a fake FG for a TD. This *might* have been the same game that they cheered Wade Wilson's broken leg?

  5. Ditka lost his fire after being fired from Chicago. People don't give him the typical amount of cresot as a HC for the success of the Bears but he had to be doing something right. He was handpicked by George Halas to return the Bears to prominence is Halas' last major decision ever. He also worked for Tom Landry...a guy who didn't keep numbskulls around.

    Mora is vastly underrated. He was actually never fires. He quit New Orleans when he thought he'd done all he could do in the town that he gave more winning seasons to in his run than it'd had in it's life. He also quit Indy when he refused to fire his DC (yes I know there are people who don't believe this but I do lol).

  6. Mora didn't arrive until 1998. While he wasn't around for George or Harbaugh, the concept applies for his days as a Saints. The best quarterbck he ever had was Bobby Hebert. It seemed like a good idea, the coach and quarterback of the 2 USFL Championship teams combiming, and those teams were good because Mora was a good coach who always got average guys to play great as a team but that typically applies more to the defense and running game than the quarterback.

    Harbaugh wasn't the reason that team fell apart. I was a huge fan of his as a youngster. He was fun to watch...very Favre like minus a few breaks. It's no wonder he's such a good coach.

  7. What did Stephen say? I'm always down to make fun of Jeremiah Wright's long lost son.

    Speaking of comebacks...I change the channel when any decent quarterback is down by 4 touchdowns. I always know they'll come back. The rules today induce comebacks. The Superbowl was the only real beatdown I've seen in years that didn't include some Vikings type team that just didn't care or a Mark Sanchez tier quarterback.

    When Favre or Elway got down by 14, they had to leave pieces of their body parts on the field to get back ahead. O I know there were bigger comebacks (Bills/Oilers, Saints/49ers) but that's why they're considered the greatest comebacks ever.

  8. Poor Jim...he was a good coach. I said good...I didn't say Vince Lombardi. The YouTube clip I always watch of that rant (you know...because we all watch that atleast once a week still :P) cuts to a reporter asking Peyton what he thought of the comments before it ends. What did Peyton say? I've never been able to find that on YouTube.

  9. If the Browns can just win in week 1...who knows!?!?! I'm not picking the Browns to win that 1 BUT they do steal a game from Pittsburgh every year and I don't think Pittsburgh is going to exactly run that division.

  10. Haven't ya'll ever heard of Joe Namath or Don Meredith or Norm Van Brocklin? No those guys aren't Joe Montana or Peyton Manning but that's not the point. Heck I remember seeing Norm Van Brocklin woofing down a cigarette on the field on some NFL Films thing. I'm not saying I condone such garbage but it's just a bunch of hype...it's just a bunch of junk that's happened before + attention in the year 2014 like every supposed new thing in the game.

  11. So you are now putting words into my comment? I was speaking directly to you not other people. We did more than enough on the subject. If that needs to be explained to you I guess I was correct in my observations that you lack reading comprehension. No problems from now on as you are on my short list of ignore. No big loss as you are apparently very immature.

    But you referenced the other times that you put your own personal ending credits on a discussion and claimed the everybody listened like it was law. And you sound just like Officer Barbrady...who if you remember back couldn't read so work on that before you start on reading comprehension.

  12. Ya'll are trying so hard to make mountains out of rotten beans. Yeah JF is in bad shape alright...really losing ground. Won't even play...matter of fact he'll be cut. No he'll fed to Jim Brown. It's very obvious that will happen.

  13. You have no clue. Debate and different opinions are a part of this forum. Not childish insults.

    Remember that next time you take it upon yourself to say "Oooook then move along people" when you don't like an opinion.

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