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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. With all this focus on domestic abuse a lot don't realize that there a lot of women who abuse their husbands and or boyfriends. The larger part of men will not even press charges or make it known because of looking weak or scared of a woman. It is more common than most think. There are a lot of females who are real good at playing the victim when actually they are the ones passing out the abuse.

    We've been over this truth bomb here before and it got me suspended.

  2. Gale Sayers had 1 season over .500 in 7 years of playing in the NFL. Sanders was a little better with 5 years of .500 out of 10.

    Alot better when you when account for the fact that Barry played against Brett Favre while AP played with Brett Favre, who was the reason they weren't 4-12 in 2009.

    Gale Sayers had 2 seasons over .500 and a .500 season which was only that because he got hurt in the middle, out of 4 seasons before getting hurt.

  3. Last season in Atlanta is actually 1 reason why I think he will be starting. He was the 1 guy who didn't get hurt and he kept that team playing hard unlike the other teams who went through hard times. People forget (or refuse to talk about) how even Peyton Manning's Colts had a bad year there in the middle (2001) after he'd long been the instilled quarterback. I predict that Ryan will be a winner like Manning for years to come.

    The records? Idk but I do think Peyton's records will fry by many (not all) unworthy guys because of the rules.

  4. You obviously didn't even watch the game if you're going to complain about officiating...meanwhile the Packers couldn't even beat the Lions. You have room to talk.

    I watched that game just like I watched that other Vikings/Saints game. After today I don't know how you can't give it up man.

    If the Lions maintain their form (I think they'll start something like 6-2 and finish 8-8) they can beat the Saints by 40.

  5. These guys have been outscored 78-13 in two games (going by the current Colts score)

    Anyone else think they are going 0-16, cause I sure do!

    Your team needed the refs to beat the Vikes and avoid the same record as the Jags.

  6. People :-|

    The Lions made it to the playoffs 5 times with Barry, and lost once to the future SB champions in the NFCCG. They did this in the 90s NFCC too, whose last place was usually 1 win less than the NFCN's first place today, and whose best player just happened to be the 1 player in the league better than Barry. Fast forward to 2009 and AP got that same player on his team.

    Also, I've done my share of raging about the NFCCG and I stand by it. It was a sham BUT if AP hadn't fumbled away Favre's 20 point 4th quarter comeback in Chicago a couple weeks earlier we might not have even had to play the Saints.

  7. Forget defensive pass interference...what about stat inflation? Comparing 1996 stats to 2013 stats is just absurd. Favre won the SB that year btw. I can't stress enough that Peyton deserves to get to 500, will get to 500, would have gotten to 500 without the breaks etc etc etc but do people think Brett freaking Favre wouldn't throw 50+ TDs in today's game?

    What about the schedule? Favre's 5 team division usually had a 7-9 5th place team to go along with the Cowboys and 49ers regular season games every year in addition to the playoffs.

  8. Believe it or not OP, at the time you speak of there were 2 openly gay players in the NFL. 1 was admittedly gay and the other not so much, but it was about as big a secret as Rob Halford was.

    Then there was Joe Namath, Thomas Henderson, and the list just goes on and * on. They said and did things that would make people's blood curdle. Players today are way less sleazy. They just don't get away with it when they screw up because of the media and the shameful need everybody has to call them out about every little thing.

  9. Is anyone here familiar with the story of a collegiate Peyton Manning doing a Peter Griffin to Meg Griffin type facepalm to a female...with his butt??? Yeah...just like Peter does to Meg.

    I live in Tallahassee and Jameis Winston can go straight to hell BUT his haters are trying way to hard. They're to the point that every FB status, meme etc that they post screams more of their jealousy and coveting of him than it does their regard for decency and morals.

    Jameis is a lowlife and all...but not because he's perverted at the age of 20. If he is for that reason then so is Peyton Manning and every other jock who went through puberty.

  10. I'm trying to remember the details... Favre got a high-low hit... came out for a play or two, right? 


    Was that the game he ended with that God-awful, thrown across his body, on the run INT when he could have run for the first down and a FG attempt?


    No, that was the game that ended in OT after when he never set foot (broken foot that is) on the field after a bogus PI penalty against the Vikings and this. But I suppose it's still either A) Favre's fault or B) A completely untainted win in the end by the Saints.



  11. The only reason Peyton is doing this in less time than Favre is because it's just easier to do since Favre. Besides, it's not like he's beating Favre to 500 by 10 years or something.

    Brees isn't even in the same universe as these 2. Peyton was out there since 1998. Regardless of the few breaks he'll get towards the end, his stats are legit. Brees couldn't even stay on the field until this era.

  12. All he ever did was happen to be available when Green Bay clipboard holder number 23,765 was stolen from the regime and that needed a new one.

    Idk if anybody caught it but he had dip oozing down his face at 1 point Sunday. Definitely looks like a crackhead.

  13. It wasn't to long ago (like...Peyton was playing in a SB before this changed) that everybody thought Goodell was a tyrant who dished out to many and to harsh in nature penalties. Now he's suddenly not just lenient, but overprotective to the point of corruption. Look for the next fine to be when a player looks at another player wrong to smooth this image over before we're on to the next one...

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