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Everything posted by krunk

  1. Even in the Colts game last week when CJ was warming up with the ball pre game . The way he was doing it reminded me so much of #18.
  2. I was lightly pointing to this when I kept pointing out his college stats were better than Peyton. Also I kept pointing to the cerebral part of his game and the accuracy.
  3. I would love to have Moss back again. Not sure if that happens since we did draft Evan Hull who will be back from injury. Maybe we still keep him.
  4. I was hoping Woods and Ogletree could be like Gronk and Hernandez at TE but that is unlikely now with Ogletree charges. If it happened I wouldn't mind something like getting Bowers in Rd 1 and picking up an athletic speed player with hands in Rd 2 to play opposite Pittman. Just thinking out loud
  5. He is going to be here. I think we both know that. If you can play Ballard will usually find a way to keep you. I'm just talking on the small chance he did leave. Most have wanted more speed and explosive traits at the #1 receiver. I said me personally if he left I wouldn't be afraid to groom a higher upside younger player from the draft who had the traits most have wanted. I
  6. You just stated he isn't top tier so I didn't say anything out of line. I'm not the only one here who has maintained we need a more explosive athlete at the 1 if we can get that. The Colts in all likelihood are going to pay him and that's cool. I did say we should try to keep him. I'm not calling for his departure. I just won't hammer the Colts if they see a situation they like better involving a young guy or guys in the draft.
  7. My feeling is Ballard is going or has marked down what the team looked like in that Falcons game when we didn't have Pittman. Nobody stepped up and our receivers got smothered. He will be looking for answers.
  8. I'm fine either way. What I would like to see if Pittman stays is 2 dynamic tight ends who can run. Maybe Woods and Bowers. And somebody better than Pierce. Somebody who can step up if Pittman goes down. Somebody with some speed and RAC ability. We do not and did not have that this year.
  9. Higgins is who I wanted the year both he and Pittman came out
  10. Did we throw him any bombs this weekend? I like him, I'm fine if he stays but I'm not afraid to groom a couple young guys who are better athletes if he leaves for more money.
  11. Again I like him but he has limitations. Should we try to work out a deal? I do believe so, but I wouldn't be afraid to lose him if we can get more explosive.
  12. I like Pittman and I'm fine if he stays but I've always said we could do better. My opinion probably isn't popular but I stand on it.
  13. I mean how complex did you expect the coverages to be with a secondary full of young players? I mean the only guy you could even remotely call a vet was Blackmon. The scheme is supposed to be simple when you're looking for these guys to come in right away and play. You can add a little bit more with continuity. Some of these guys like Cross are just now starting to figure things out. Keep this in mind
  14. Not entirely. I can go back and show you several throws he made to Downs and Pittman to highlight evidence of what things may be like with Richardson healthy. Wasn't the same with Pierce. We didn't even have much of a down field passing game when Richardson was healthy and Pierce had trouble hanging on to his passes.
  15. got no problem with Gus. secondary was young and missing key pieces at various points. problems to be expected
  16. My main problem with Pierce is the lack of game breaking athleticism. The lack of RAC ability. Yeah he is fast but it's all straight line speed. Yeah it took Reggie about 2 years but you could always see the athleticism Reggie had. You knew you had an athlete. I don't and really have never completely seen that with Pierce
  17. how much did Pierce and Richardson hook up when he was healthy? Pierce has some athletic flaws that we need upgrades on. You can't do much with him in terms of RAC, he doesn't make anyone miss with the ball in his hands, he drops balls. About the most you get out of him is a few deep shots and he doesn't even come down with those as much as he showed in college. We could stand an upgrade.
  18. No Shane is going to be a very good coach. He just got too cute on that last play.
  19. krunk


    For me Blackmon is the veteran at this point. I'd be fine with replacing either of the other safeties. Im not as high on Cross as you are. I like the athletic traits but Im still waiting on the instincts and some of the other things you'd like to see that I haven't seen yet. I know we drafted a young guy this year who got injured so maybe he's in the mix next year. Maybe you let everybody continue to grow together but all in all Im not against any changes for the better back there.
  20. krunk


    I dont think the need at corner is all that big. I think you let your young corners grow. I like Brents, I like Jones, I like Flowers. Kenny Moore is getting old so maybe some better depth behind Kenny and any where else the depth needs to be improved. Maybe look at replacing one of the safeties or just keep the same group. Everybody in our secondary is young. If you can i say keep them together so they can nail down the communication. Me personally i think you have to look some at the DL a little because Buck and Stewart are getting old. Im not sure what the terms are with Ebukam, not sure what the deal is with Lewis. And Im sure there is somebody else Im missing. Just make sure the pass rush is an even bigger strength next year.
  21. Well Im out here in Houston so if Colts are eliminated then I automatically have to switch and route for the home team. LOL!
  22. We got to add some real dynamic talent at WR next year for sure. If you expect Houston to trot out the same WR corps again you aren't living in reality. Once you line Stroud up with some real WR and a real RB we got problems for a good while. We need to get our artillery right because it's not getting any easier.
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