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Posts posted by jccmoe80

  1. Of all the signings last year, this was the one that gave me the most pause.  He is what he is which is a pretty good run defender but he is a weak against the pass, which has always been the knock on him.  Methinks he lead the league in tackles to start the year was largely due to playing the Raiders and Pryor to start the year.


    This day and age in the NFL a safety needs to cover and that is not his strength.  He played last year like he normally does.  I doubt there is a rebound - water has found its level in Landry.


    Landry will get better this season.  He did the same thing with the Jets. His first year with them, he struggled at time, but the 2nd season he was voted to the pro bowl. We have to be patient and not judge to quickly.  He will get better as will all the free agents the team signed last season. With the right FS to pair with him and another good corner to pair with Davis, the Colts secondary will be a force to be recking with. 

  2. The only problem with Holmes is that he learned from Satele and this could put his learning off a few months.  If the Colts re-sign McGlynn to be the back-up C and let Holmes start the training camp as starter.  This could be good for the team.

  3. Satele needs to go and the Colts need to bring someone in like Goodwin to work with Holmes for 1 - 2 years.  People are complaining about the development of Holmes when they don't realize that he is learning from Satele.  Most rookies development come from fellow veterans of their position played. Holmes will never develop into a starter learning behind Satele. This will help solidify the center position for a good 7 - 10 years, but Grigson has to pull the trigger to release Satele in the first place for this to happen.

  4. I think that we should just forget about Landry for a moment and be thinking about the other safety position. I think that with the right FS, Landry will shine better than what people think. Last season we was playing SS at both safety positions and it showed in our coverage.  We need to sign someone like Byrd or even TJ Ward. This will give our secondary a true FS and SS on the field.  Signing someone like ILB Jackson will also help because he will allow for Landry to flow to the ball instead of playing at the line and reacting. 

  5. Don't agree watch the tape of him when healthy he was pretty good!

    I have to agree! When Toler was healthy our defense was playing pretty good.  When he went down with injury, we kept getting burnt deep and our bump & run defense went out the window due to Vaughn playing in his place. Eventhough a lot of people want Toler to go, I think that he deserves 1 more season to prove his self and his doubters. I think Satele should have left during last off-season. He has now been outplayed for 2 years now by backups.  The proof is in the videos of all of those games he missed. The Colts FO has be smart with how they handle this off-season due to the up-coming contracts of Luck and the other 2012 draft class players. Most of them have been huge contributors to the success over the last two seasons.

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