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Posts posted by NFLfan

  1. 55 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

    Eddie just play the music and shut up. Nobody paid to hear your ranting 


    Lol. You just illustrated exactly what I wrote earlier.


    1 hour ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Also, worth noting Freedom of Speech does not apply outside of public settings, so private businesses don’t have to follow it.


    Exactly. One person here wrote that a private institution invited Butker and therefore, he can say whatever he wishes. As you wrote, it is the government that cannot punish one for what they say, not private entities.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Nadine said:




    Everyone has the right to say what they want, including Butker and those criticizing Butker. Those standing up for Butker and using the freedom of speech argument have yet to defend those critizing Butker, instead using name-calling to disparage them. Funny how some see only one side criticizing others for their beliefs. They do not see themselves as doing the same to those for their differing views. 🤷‍♀️


    Using his platform, David Vedder of Pearl Jam used his freedom of speech to blast Harrison Butker. Like many of us here, he asked what does Butker's message have to do with graduation.



    “You’re going to benefit by giving up your dreams? I couldn’t understand the logic, so I’m questioning it in public right now… It’s not a graduation speech.”

    -Eddie Vedder



    “There’s nothing more masculine than a strong man supporting a strong woman.”

    -Eddie Vedder




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  3. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    2024 Final 4 is set:

    Pacers vs Celtics (East)

    Mavericks vs Timberwolves (West)


    I'm rooting for the Pacers.

    I don't know about the West. Go Minny!


    Does Mark Cuban still own the Mavs?


    Rick Carlisle against the Mavs may be a good story. The last time I watched the NBA, I think Dirk was still with the Mavs and Carlisle was coaching them.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, RollerColt said:

    I encourage my students to do what makes them happy. Life is too damn short to accept anything less. 


    Exactly. That is a centrist thought.


    I was thinking about what would be an analogy to what Butker said. 🤔  Say, someone is speaking to a group of students who graduated and focused the speech on, say, their diets. It may go like this:


    "As you graduate today, I would like to share that your lives would be improved if you followed a plant-based diet. Humans are dying of heart disease, diabetes and all sorts of other avoidable health problems because they consume meat and processed foods. My life truly began when I switched to a vegan diet. You will improve the world if you do the same..." Etc.


    Now, everyone who is vegan will say the speaker has a right to free speech. Others would ask what does their diet have to do with graduation. If I gave that speech, there would be backlash.


    Anyway...What is most remarkable in this discussion is that those advocating for his "freedom of speech" have not advocated the same for others whose beliefs they disagree with.

    • Like 2
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  5. 7 minutes ago, VikingsFanInChennai said:

    As for the comments about homemaker, his worldview is too narrow to begin with, and as you pointed out, that didn't even consider his Mother, so not sure how he thought he could speak for all women! 


    It turns out that he comes from a family and a school with very accomplished women. Not only is his mother a physicist, his sister is a Physician's Assistant who studied at Weill Cornell Graduate School right here on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in NY. His paternal aunt is a senior vice president of a firm. And his graduating class at Georgia Tech had over 50 women graduate in industrial engineering.


    He did not bother to mention any of that. He may be the least academically successful member of his family. 




    21 minutes ago, VikingsFanInChennai said:

    he doesn't like the changing world. 


    That comes across loud and clear.


    As for the school being Catholic, there are many Catholic schools that don't preach that. I wonder if Notre Dame would ever invite him to address grads. I doubt it. A group affiliated with the school said that Butker does not represent them. They said that instead of bringing people together, his address was divisive.



    In a statement released Friday, the sisters of Mount St. Scholastica said they “do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested.


    “Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division. … We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.”



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  6. 17 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    It is, free speech doesn’t mean you are immune from criticism for something you say it just means the government can’t lock you up for what you said or make a law saying you can’t say it.  Last time I checked Butker hasn’t been arrested and no one in congress is looking to make a law to out law what he said.  So his free speech rights have not been violated.  


    Well said.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I hear that.  But two things can be true at the same time.  His view can be true and so can mine.  It’s not one or the other.  And his first words were he was pushing back. 

    Im going offline for a while.  Hopefully things will calm down a bit.   


    Yes, your views are true too. Maybe I missed something. I thought the comments by the two of you were complementing each other. (Complement, not compliment.)

  8. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I don’t know what there is to push back on?   Are you not aware of great internal debate within the Christian community?  
    Much of it surrounds the current politics of the day.   It’s not exactly a well kept secret.  

    Im trying hard to tip-toe here.  Politics is off-limits here.  I’m not sure how much I can say? 


    I think Goatface Killah is saying that there are many who claim to be Christians but really are not.


    Anyway, Butker's commencement address appeared to be a political campaign address. There was little about the education of the students and their academic achievements as undergraduates.

  9. Just now, NewColtsFan said:

    Killah..,.  As I was going thru this thread I saw a post or two suggesting the school was probably fine with the speech.  My post was only trying to set the record straight.  Nothing more.   

    I think I agreed with most of your good post.  I think you made lots of very good points.  Hope I clarified any misunderstanding.  


    Goatface Killah agrees with you. GK was just adding to what you wrote.


    I was the one who wrote that the school probably agreed with him. But the Benedictine Sisters said that they did not approve of his comments.

  10. 2 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

    I sure thought it was the land of free speech. I’ll probably get busted for a religious post, but why are Christians so attacked.


    I went to Catholic school from 3rd grade through high school. I don't recall anyone sharing what Butker did.


    No one said he does not have free speech. However, I have heard many say that players should "shut up and play." Why is it different with Butker?

  11. 3 hours ago, Goatface Killah said:

    How are they "loaded as facts" Doug? Its just an opinion. I presented nothing as a fact. And how is your second paragraph not exactly what you are accusing others of doing?


    Some careers are actually rewarding. I love mine. Just because you made poor choices and hate what you do, you shouldnt assume thats the case for everyone else. Some people do it very well. So dont try to discourage someone from pursuing a dream because you dont think its possible to do both.  


    Do you know that when I take 2 weeks off in the summer to go visit family I have on the west coast, I actually cant wait to get back to work? It is very possible you know. 


    I never said he should be fired. Never said he had no right to make a fool of himself. I prefer he does, in fact. Id love to debate him or anyone else on this issue, anytime.


    I would not go back and forth. It leads to nowhere.


    4 hours ago, Goatface Killah said:

    His jersey sales increased "dramatically" because nobody ever bought his jersey before. He couldve sold 10 jerseys in a week and it would have been a dramatic increase. 


    Exactly. Of course Kelce and Mahomes jerseys have not sold as much. Many people already own their jersey. Who had Butker's jersey before now!


    • Like 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I don’t want Butker to be cut, punished, or slandered either. 

    But you called this a Christian speech.  I’m not sure I’d agree with that and I think it should be noted the Christians who run the college are NOT happy about it.  

    They put out a statement saying they don’t share the views of Butker.  That they didn’t know he was going to say what he did and they’re not exactly happy with his comments.  They were hoping for something that celebrates the achievement of their graduates and encourages them to go out to make the world a better place for all especially the less fortunate.  Again, this is from those who run the school.  

    I was pretty impressed. 


    I read that.


    His commencement speech sounded like a campaign speech. These are students that just spent at least 4 years in school, spending thousands of dollars. Many likely will have student loans. His speech has nothing to do with graduation.


    Even if he wanted to share his religious and political views, he could have also shared that his mother is a physicist who found time to be a mother too.



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  13. 36 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

     I would be shocked and disappointed if the NFL or the Chiefs decided to suspend him.


    They won't suspend him; he did not commit an offense that warrants suspension. He might be cut to prevent a distraction, but I highly doubt that. It has almost a zero chance of happening. The Chiefs have said nothing.


    36 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

    Personally my wife did not work and was home to raise my children which was our desire but certainly respect those who's wife though choice or necessity works outside the home.


    My older sister worked in corporate America before she got married. When she was having her second child, she decided to quit working to stay home to care for the children. She and her husband had the means to do so and it worked out very well. After their children grew up, they decided to run their own business. So, she never worked for another person again. But that was their choice.


    Our family attended her second's son commencement ceremony last Saturday. I would have been disappointed to listen to someone give a political speech. Thankfully, all the speakers gave the graduates words of inspiration, encouragement and optimism for the future. Arthur Blank addressed the graduates and was fantastic.


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  14. 13 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

    I think its stupid and only because its in the biggest markets in America. The overreaction of the NFL is laughable 


    I think the Jets got too many. The Giants (in the same market) got 3 or 4, and they are traditionally a better team than the Jets. I can see the Chiefs or the Ravens getting that many. But the Jets? I don't care. It just means that I get to see more out-of-market games on Sunday afternoons when I would have gotten the Jets. 


    Anyway, back to topic. How many games do you think the Colts will win? I say 9. I'm rooting for AR to have a good year. If he stays healthy, look out NFL fans. He will look great.


    • Thanks 1
  15. 50 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I agreed with RollerColt as well. See above. I don't necessarily agree with Butker's takes but for people on twitter and facebook protesting that he should be cut over a few words is ridiculous and childish. 


    Okay. I agree. He should not lose his job. I am consistent when I say this.  I don't think any player should lose their job for something they have said or written. I said the same about Josh Allen, Jake Fromm, Kaepernick and many others.


    Many here who are saying Butker should not lose his job did not say the same about other players who chose to make comments that were unpopular or controversial.

  16. 46 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

    My stance will always be: 


    Why is it anyone else's business what anyone does? 


    Want to get married and have kids? Great! No one should care. 


    Want to have a career? Great! No one should care. 


    Maybe want to have both a career and a family? Great! No one should care.


    I see so many people get upset over someone else's choices in life, and it confuses me as to why it should matter. 


    Great post.  That is also my stance. People spend so much time judging other peoples' life choices. I always ask, "What is it to you?" Why does it matter what career others choose, whether they marry or not, who or when they choose to marry, whether or not they have children, etc. Everyone should have the right to do what they want with their own lives.


    Life is what you make it. Let others live their lives as they choose.

    • Like 4
  17. 33 minutes ago, masterlock said:

    That's the key concept. For the people calling for him to be cut, it's not enough to simply disagree with him. It's not enough to fight bad ideas with better ideas. They must also destroy his career. I don't agree with his views, but at the same time, I don't want to see him cut because I think that rewards the extremists who want to subject everyone to an ideological purity test as a precondition for participation in society. 


    I don't think he should be cut for this.  But I have the right to disagree and to state that I disagree with him. I also would not want him to be my daughter's teacher, husband or father.

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