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Posts posted by Coltsfan1955

  1. On ‎4‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 8:53 AM, masterlock said:

    I wasn't a big fan of the first trade, but it was a gamble that could pay off. I say, take quality over quantity. I'd rather have one elite, marquee player than 2 "good" players. Enough trading down!

    You don't know quality for several years; a lot of 2nd & 3rd round picks just signed big contracts in free agency.  Quantity will make us better sooner.  If we had 2 picks in the 1st round along with 3 in the 2nd round & say 2 in the 3rd; that's 7 chances to get not just a "good player" as you put it, but 7 chances instead of the original 3 to get not 1, not 2, but 3 or 4 quality (your word), maybe even elite players.  Remember, Freeney was picked at 11; Reggie Wayne was like the last pick in the first round, Bob Sanders was a 2nd round pick, Mathis a 4th round pick, TY was a 3rd round pick.  I would consider all those players as elite, although Sanders career was short.  Teams have 1st round busts every year.  Scouting & developing players is the key.

  2. Zac Keefer (or anyone else that could answer this) - OK, so I'm all in on retiring #93, but other players have worn #93 since Freeney left; but no one has worn #88 for 7 or 8 years & no one has worn #87 for 3 years, but neither #'s have been "retired".  What's the scoop on this?

  3. 2 hours ago, CelticColt said:

    only way I make the trade with either Chicago or Miami is for their first (#8 or #11) AND additional picks. Not sure who the Bears want at 8 that is worth trading up for (Smith? Edmunds? Ward?) but w/ Miami I assume it's a QB.


    Colts can still get a quality pick at either #8 or #11---if not Smith or Edmunds, then Ward, Fitzpatrick or James. It would depend on how many additional picks any trade got for the Colts. 


  4. 7 hours ago, rock8591 said:


    Doubt, it, zero depth at LB right now.


    While DL and DB have some depth, LB and WR have zero depth, especially with our FA losses.

    Here's out tentative starting lineup at LB:





    Not to mention $600,000 a year, on a compensatory 4th rounder, for 101 tackles a year is more than okay.

    A lot of not so great LB's get a lot of tackles 5-10 yards downfield in a bad defense.  Morrison is not suited for a 4-3, he can't play the outside & cover & do you think he has the wherewithal to be THE MLB, essentially the QB of the defense (think Gary Bracket)?  Jeremiah George will probably start at MLB & you might be right on Simon & Walker, but there is still Korey Toomer we've auditioned & might be someone else let go even as late as preseason.  T. J. Green has a better chance to stick then Morrison, but I truly think he will get cut as well.


    Remember, Ballard will keep one of his own, even undrafted FA's, before most of Grigson's pickups. 

  5. A little premature to analyze a depth chart before the draft, OTS’s, & training camp.  We may release guys you’ve penciled in as starters & 4-5 draftees may start.  We may pick up some other teams’ cutdowns.  My guess is you’ve listed maybe 50% of the final 53.  It did indicate areas of concern, but we aren’t coaches who will see who fits which positions, etc.  

  6. On ‎1‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 4:11 PM, Ne-Ca-Higher said:

    Last year, teams moved up to get QBs (Trubisky, Watson, Mahomes).  They'll do it this year, too, because QBs are way more valuable than any other position.  There are rumors already that the Browns will take Wyoming's Allen and that 5 of the top 7 picks will be QBs.  If that's baloney, it's tasty baloney intended to get teams to move up.  Rivers and Roethlisberger can't last forever like Brady.  Imagine facing the Steelers with Darnold, the Chargers with Rosen, the Bills with Jackson and the Dolphins with Mayfield, for instance, for the next 10-12 years.  Even the Browns with Allen could be big trouble down the road.  How many sacks and hurries would Chubb need to make for us to win a playoff berth if Andrew can't go?


    It's why I proudly say, "Take a QB at #3, Colts!"  The "value pick" is always a top QB prospect.  Accomplish 4 things: 1) land a potential future franchise QB replacement for Andrew, 2) have a real backup for when Andrew inevitably gets hurt (see Packers vs. Eagles and Vikings), 3) either trade Andrew or the prospect while they're still worth a lot down the line, like Garapalo, and 4) block another team from landing their guy.  Imagine the Colts having drafted Mariota.  How would the Titans look now and how would we have coped last year? 

    It would be *ic to take a franchise QB with the #3 pick when we have one.  I'd much rather trade this pick now for another slightly lower #1 pick, a #2 pick this year & a #1 or #2 next year, depending on who the trade partner is. 

  7. What I like about the hire is that Ballard didn't just bring in who he has a history & McDaniels didn't just go to a team that had front office folks of some sort that he had a history with.  The 2 met & apparently hit it off.  McDaniels was supposed to be a guy who wanted control, but he is HC here & Ballard is GM.  When Tennessee fired Mularkey, every media expert said that was the #1 job & McDaniels would bolt the Colts for the Titans, but he quiclkly said no that's not happening.  Again, 2 guys hit it off & I believe will work well together.  Have patience people.  NE has run without superstars at RB or WR for years with great success.  Let these 2 gentlemen build us a winner, together.

  8. So everyone wants, as usual, to blame the coach when the player looked to me like he didn't have a clue or wasn't trying.  So he is best as a slot CB?  We already had Butler playing there at a reasonably high level.  So you sit down at the negotiating table & ask, "Can you play outside man to man CB?"  He says, "Well, of course I can."  He sucks & it's coaching.  A good CB is a good CB.  If they're only good when in the slot with  great pass rush, then they are not a good CB.

  9. I have to disagree with a whole lot of people, particularly those who want to assess blame anywhere & everywhere.  It’s not Chud’s fault every time Jacoby doesn’t look like he understands a play, holds the ball too long, doesn’t even get through 2 progressions before he breaks containment, leaving the offensive line having no idea what to do.  So Jacoby runs & slides feet first 2 yards short of the line of scrimmage, which counts as a sack.  That is also not the offensive lines fault.  In the Jax game he did that several times.  


    Fans all all year long have blamed every loss on coaching, not interceptions, fumbles & penalties.  Mistakes are always blamed on coaching, but not the player making them.  Jacoby is a 3-13 or 4-12 QB.  Not average.  Durable yes; but smart decision maker, far from it.  Also saying our entire roster is garbage is well, garbage.  I think a healthy Luck with this team & this schedule would’ve won not 6-7, but 11-12 games.  You heard me.  A good QB brings up the rest of the team, Luck has already done that.  He is also to blame for his own injuries to a large extent.


    i am probably the only fan who puts any responsibility on Ballard.  I’m not sold on his acquisition of players so far.  As for Strength & Conditioning, first of all, you can’t blame injuries on poor coaching.  Secondly a lot of teams deal with injuries. Fans are not pros, not smart, just opinionated.  

  10. I think most of you guys are way off.  Ballard wants to build through the draft, any FA is stopgap.  Only guy staying for sure is Vinny, when he retires we pick up a kicker, or Sanchez kicks FG’s and punts.  I don’t see any veteran, ours or someone else’s getting a true 3-5 yr deal. 2 years maybe, but even they’ll have an escape clause.  Mingo could come back cheap, he’s failed enough times to not get a lot of attention.  


    People been saying without Luck we were below mediocre, not a lot of talent.  I didn’t want to believe it but now it’s obvious.  Unlike most, I like Pagano, mostly because I hate coaching overhaul, new schemes, & blowing up continuity for all the young guys, not just Luck.  I do think Chuck will be gone though, & I’m real curious who comes next.  Is there a Dungy out there, about to be let go at the right time?  I’m thinking Harbaugh, not Jim, but John if Baltimore let’s him go.  

  11. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2015 at 6:33 PM, lennymoore24 said:

    Curious, in the history of the NFL, when has their ever been a truly great player that became a great coach.  Maybe Dick LeBeau?  Peyton is a great QB but it doesn't mean he can easily relay that same information and strategy to someone else. I have noticed a pattern that most successful coaches played football at some point in their lives.  And people they knew them said they were like a coach on the field and coaching up other players. I have never heard that of Peyton.  He is lasered in on his job, taking all the reps, and what he needs to do.  I don't know that he has the personality to be a GM or OC or coach.  I think he would be better as an administrator.


  12. I don't see Bortles or Mariotta being at Luck's level; but both will be maybe top 15.  The real problem is 2 historically poorly run franchises.  Houston will continue to be our main competition even though I'm not sure they will ever get that true franchise QB.  They had the chance to get Bortles, but why they took Clowney baffles me.  They could have had Derek Carr in the 2nd round, but didn't because they had picked his brother David Carr back in 2002.  Great logic, so you kind of have to question this team's front office as well.  Someone said they won the division because of a lacerated kidney, just like in 2011 with Manning's neck & 2012 as Indy went through a very short rebuild.  So now Houston has 3 AFCS division titles, Tennessee has 2, & Indy has 9.

  13. On ‎12‎/‎30‎/‎2015 at 6:56 AM, coltsva said:

    or a more logical grouping geographically:

    East-NE, NYJ, Buffalo, Baltimore

    North-Pittsburgh, Cincy, Cleveland, Indy

    South-Tenn, Houston, Jacksonville, Miami


    Now that's really a bad AFC south!

    This is the way it was supposed to be, but Miami & Baltimore complained; Miami wanted to be with the Jets because of a so-called rivalry & Art Modell, who had just dumped on Cleveland & owned Baltimore at the time pleaded with Tagliabue to "put us in the same division with my good friend Art Rooney."  The commissioner caved on Baltimore & Miami & Dallas got their way to stay in the respective East divisions because at the time they were the big draws.  The Colts were somewhat indifferent, having always wanted to be in the NFC North (Central earlier) with Chicago.  That actually went to a vote back when Tampa Bay was in the NFC Central, but Chicago & Green Bay voted against another dome team (Minnesota & Detroit) in the division.  They wanted a rivalry with Cincinnati but were just as optimistic for one with Tennessee.

  14. Here's a Colts fan who absolutely loved Reggie, sat in his section & just Saturday night felt weird when he didn't run down in front to chants of Reg-gie, Reg-gie...here's a Colts fan hoping he is as I suspect too slow to play & gets cut by the *s before playing a regular season game, then officially retiring while only playing for one team.

    All you who say the Colts let him go, didn't want him, etc...remember how he was injured last year? He made a great catch & move, then took off for the end zone about 70 yards away with a 20 yard lead on the opponents, only to be caught, dragged down short of the goal line,& subsequently injured. Too slow to play & I doubt surgery to repair his groin, or whatever, somehow made him faster. He couldn't hardly play in the playoffs because he was injured. He was a decoy & a bad one at that. But he was caught from behind while healthy. His pride is ruining his career. If he makes it to the regular season, he will embarrass himself by trying to play another season, probably ending in another injury. Sorry, love the player, but the man inside should have been smarter than this.

  15. Did anyone else see the SB? Denver is done. Sanders in place of Decker - big decrease. Maybe Ware & Ward can help their defense, but it had to get better because it couldn't get worse. Denver is headed for salary cap hell in 1-2 years & with no Manning - their window is close to slamming shut & they know it. They will play like it too.

    Now about New England. Talib for Revis is about a wash, & signing a suspended SeaHawk who is one more positive test from a year off; not that smart (the way they keep their players under tight security, like Hernandez). They have lost more than they've gained. wait, I forgot LaFell...big deal. Their window is also closing & they know it as well.

    I think the Colts improved more than either, & we have the luxury of not having that slamming window syndrome. Luck will improve more this year, Manning & Brady will not...in fact it is likely they will decline. Either team is one hit on their old QB from irrelevance; our backup QB is actually better than either of these, but our QB is bigger, stronger, younger, & more durable.

    The only thing in both Denver & NE's favor is home games vs. the Colts. They will be tough to beat at home & that could make a tie-breaker difference. We have to win our other 14 games.

  16. First of all, it's PAGANO, not Pagnano.  Arians was an interim coach here; he in a matter of speaking, could let it fly.  What did he have to lose?  I'll take Pagano every time; here are my reasons:


    1.  Better pedigree - look at his entire coaching career.

    2.  Younger - Arians is pushing 70.

    3.  Classier - Arians rolled up the score on us in Arizona this year; I lost a little respect for him.

    4.  Vision - Pagano has it, that's what started the 2012 season before his illness.  Arians is an OC.

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