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Posts posted by zibby43

  1. 1 hour ago, Lennon1940 said:


    Good job describing exactly why I’ve become fascinated with him. These are skills that you only see on starting QB’s in the league. The way he moves around the pocket and the way his passes fly off his hand just gives him that “look” of a starting QB. It’s not a definable look but you know it when you see it.


    Thank you.  I think you hit the nail on the head as well.  When you're describing how he "looks" - that is exactly how I feel as well.  Same way Luck could sense the rush coming from various directions in the pocket while still keeping his eyes downfield.  That always just looked different compared to other QBs.


    Chad Kelly has moments where he looks like that; he'll stand in the pocket for as long as he can with his eyes downfield before quickly releasing the ball.  It's amazing how much "oomph" he can get on his throws without having to "load up."  He has tremendous lower body mechanics.


    Only real bad throw I've seen him make was that under-thrown INT against the Bengals.  That's going to happen, especially when you have limited reps with the WR you're throwing to. 


    Saying all this, I do realize Kelly has played against lesser competition.  At the same time, some of the traits we are discussing translate no matter who he is playing against.  When Kelly was picked up, I didn't think much of the signing.  Even before the Luck retirement, he became the Colts player I was most intrigued to watch on offense.  I'm surprised.



    • Like 1
  2. Brissett is the better, more complete QB now.


    Kelly has a much higher ceiling.


    Why?  He has some things/traits you can't teach: touch, anticipation, quiet feet in the pocket (his feet look like Brady's in the pocket, and no, I'm not getting carried away, just talking about footwork), speed, and absolutely elite velocity on his ball.



    • Like 2
  3. 46 minutes ago, egg said:


    I understand what you are saying.


    I was curious so I looked at about 10 of the better QB's who have been playing a long time (including Brady, Brees, Rothles?, Rogers, Rivers....)


    The average fumbles per season is about 6-8....


    So you can almost expect any QB to fumble once every other game...maybe a little less....


    That's a good stat.  Helps put things in perspective. 

  4. 5 hours ago, egg said:


    He only lost 3 fumbles.


    True, but the recovery process itself involves a bit of luck.  I'm usually concerned with the act of fumbling itself, rather than the "lost" fumbles statistic, if that makes sense.


    39 minutes ago, jmac_48 said:

    When you're getting hit like that...

    to be expected?


    That definitely played a role.  Some of it is just bad habits/ball security.  With a better o-line and more experience, I'm expecting that number to come down.

  5. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Brissett has had a knack of taking care of the ball. His junior year at NC State he threw for 23 TD's and only 5 picks. His senior year 20 and 6.


    Good point.  Wasn't it 13 TDs to 7 INTs in 2017 (in 15 games)?


    Only thing he needs to clean up is 8 fumbles from '17.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    Total conjecture on my part: His comments about being 'in a dark place' coupled with Irsay's comments about his mind state make me wonder if he was really having some dangerous thoughts when he was rehabbing in 2017. He might have some struggles with emotional instability that he felt starting to pop back up, and he might have decided way back when that he was not going to sacrifice his mental and emotional well being to play football anymore. Especially now that he's married and has a kid on the way.


    That might be sensational, and again, that's just my speculative thinking. Not a rumor...


    I think you’re onto something here.  And even though you are being very respectful and cautious in labeling it speculation, it is in fact very well-informed speculation based on nuggets of information gleaned from reliable and knowledgeable sources.


    Overall, just way better and more thoughtful commentary than what is being tossed around on social media.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    I read on here someone called into a local radio show this off-season and said he hurt it snowboarding again.  Clearly that is not what I would call a credible source but at this point I can’t dismiss it either.  


    Luck himself confirmed he had the snowboarding accident that caused his sprained AC joint in '16. 


    I had heard a rumor about "hiking" in Europe (as opposed to snowboarding), but since that rumor is on the "very wild" end of the spectrum, I didn't want to mention it.


    I fully realize that the "asking for time off in Hawaii" rumor is at least *slightly* wild, at least it came from a source that has been right before, and it was posited as a "I heard this" and not as fact.


    The only reason I give a claim like that more than a passing thought is because to go from zero to retirement in 2 weeks, out of nowhere, is no more ridiculous than that very assertion.


    Wild times.

    • Like 3
  8. 7 minutes ago, luv_pony_express said:


    I understand that.  But the subtext of this is that Luck really just wants more time to recharge his batteries and may well end up pulling a Favre.


    My question is how long (or under what circumstances) the Colts maintain rights to him.  Could that play a role in why the team let him keep the signing and roster bonuses?


    Good question.  I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that question, but I want to make sure I get both the duration and the available options right.  In the meantime, someone else may beat me to it.


  9. 3 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Supports my theory that if Luck does decide to comeback Ballard isn’t going to welcome him back with open arms.  While Ballard is going to do and say the right things I think the timing of this really upsets him and while he might understand why Andrew did what he did Ballard is going to look at what he did and think he quit on us once what would stop him from doing it again.


    Agreed.  That's why I think Ballard reacted the way he did in the presser when Irsay made comments about leaving the door open.  I think that Ballard, to an extent, is exhausted from trying to cater to Luck.


    Slightly OT: although we're by no means entitled to know the answer to this question, I want to know how Luck hurt his calf and ankle.  He played in the Pro Bowl, a game that players will use the most dubitable of reasons to skip.


    He started dealing with the injury while he was in Europe.  They initially said it was a "cumulative" injury, but I have rarely seen "chronic" calf/ankle issues pop up (as opposed to acute).  What was he doing in Europe when he felt the pain?  I'd love to know from a per curiosity perspective. 

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Superman said:


    We aren't entitled to know every little detail about every situation, and know one should expect full disclosure the very minute a player starts thinking about walking away.


    People are playing with conspiracy theories because they can't reconcile the fact that a great player in his prime would walk away from the game two weeks before the season starts. I get it, it's strange and shocking, but the official version of events isn't so outrageous that it can't be true. 


    The idea that the team made up a calf/ankle injury that lingered all offseason to give Luck time to decide whether he was going to play or not is more outrageous than Luck retiring abruptly.


    Agreed.  It wasn't made up at all.


    But I don't believe the most recent physical "injuries" were the proximate cause of the retirement. 


    The mental aspect of dealing with rehab, and Luck's mental state overall was probably the issue.  And Luck 100% controlled the narrative of what the Colts were allowed to discuss (i.e., they discussed the physical component publicly, not the mental one).


    Makes Irsay's comment about the space between Luck's ears whilst dealing with the shoulder even more poignant and illuminating now.


    I just hope Andrew gets the mental health treatment and recovery he needs to be a happy human being, first and foremost.  That's the most important issue here, by far.

    • Like 8
  11. 1 hour ago, shastamasta said:


    Do the rehab now or that he asked earlier this offseason?


    Before.  Rumor has popped up a few times now.


    Also a rumor that Luck pretty much "mailed in" his calf/ankle rehab this time around.


    As someone that is an "average" healer that tore all of my ankle ligaments (twice) while playing college baseball (basically, the worst "high ankle sprains" you can suffer), I started to have serious concerns about what was going with Luck when he still wasn't ready by August.


    I didn't have anywhere near the resources Luck has available (I had stimulation therapy, cold tub treatment, and pain management), and I missed about 6 weeks.


    I 100% believe, from all the circumstantial evidence available, that Luck's issues are mental in nature, not physical.

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, luv_pony_express said:


    I'm pretty skeptical about any "I'm not really retiring, I just need more time off" theory.  So let me put that out there first.


    But, that said, if there is truth to this or something like it, can somebody explain to me how the Colts' rights to Andrew would play out?  


    To clarify, the rumor was that Luck asked for the time off prior to turning to retirement as the solution.

  13. JMV broke the news about Manning's neck injury a few years ago.  He's usually pretty reliable.


    JMV mentioned yesterday (on-air) that he was told by a source that Luck asked Ballard and co. if he could step away from the team and rehab in Hawaii for 3 months.


    Ballard refused.  And I respect Ballard for refusing.  That would've been unfair to Jacoby, the team, etc.  Flies in the face of his philosophy about the team being about more than just one man.

    • Like 3
  14. 40 minutes ago, B~Town said:

    Was it just me or did Chris Ballard look especially annoyed when Irsay was talking about a possible Luck return.  


    I noticed that very same thing and mentioned it to my friend today.


    Ballard's reaction was priceless.  He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.  A much-needed laugh on a very emotional evening.

    • Like 1
  15. This just seems like normal "bottom-of-the-roster" churning in order to ensure depth and continued competition.


    I'm not really excited about any of these guys.  I'm not displeased, either.  Sometimes there's a quality guy out there because another team had incredible depth at a certain positions group, but, typically, these guys are available for a reason.

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:


    I also thought Turray had a horrible game and looked like he does NOT belong in the NFL.



    He stuck out over and over again . . . for all the wrong reasons.


    Hairston - Yikes, the dude just looked lost sometimes. 


    Positives: Tell and Ya-Sin both looked very dialed in and competitive. 


    Mixed bag: Odum.  He's physical, but relies on speed he doesn't have in coverage. 

  17. 5 hours ago, Nadine said:

    Interesting.  They should include us, we have no profanity :)



    I was going to say, if they were basing this off of official team boards like this one, the Colts would win.


    There may be a few eccentric folks here, but there is absolutely no colorful language, and I think that is very classy and a reflection of the awesome administrators and moderators on the staff.

    • Thanks 2
  18. 9 minutes ago, pgt_rob said:

    This is just on Reddit? Anyone can post of those just like here, so how does one calculate this survey. Could be a fan, could be an opposing fan. 


    Average number of profane words per 10 subscribers on each team's subreddit. 


    That's how it's calculated.  It's just a bit of fun, not a peer-reviewed study.  

  19. 40 minutes ago, Nickster said:

    I am a Funchess skeptic.  He was well covered and then Desir just missed the swipe after using bad technique and turning his hips the wrong way.  I am not sold on DF's ability to create separation. 


    Whoever threw that did a great job BTW.


    On the other hand the big body helped shield there.


    I viewed it much differently.  He got the initial separation he needed and the throw was about an entire century late, allowing the missed swipe to even happen in the first place.


    In the NFL, you rarely get readily apparent "visual" separation in man-to-man situations.

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