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Posts posted by MWilkerson950

  1. I keep thinking about this scenario and I don't think anything tops 2001/2002 but this season would come close and perhaps even further Brady's legacy of doing a lot with little offensive talent not to mention the injuries.




    The 2001 SuperBowl run was one of the most least impressive playoff runs for a QB of all time. Brady didn't even win the AFCCG, and it took him to the Super Bowl to throw his first TD. He also got bailed out by a tuck rule after getting fooled badly by a blindside blitz and blew the game the week before. 

  2. 38 and raining is not 70 and dome. Advantage NE for sure. Pats have better run game as well.

     I disagree. People seem to forget these are bunch of grown NFL players stepping on the field, not a herd of women fresh out of the spa. 

  3. I do think Brady is significantly overrated in the playoffs. He simply doesn't play as well as led to believe. He escaped media scrutiny for those Giants SBs despite having incredible offenses (precisely what Manning gets slammed for every single year), his career in AFC Championship games is actually worse than mediocre, and his overall playoff rating is 87 come post season which is below quite a few active QBs. And I get the hunch Brady played the majority of his playoff games at home.


    Not really trying to bash Brady though it seems that way, but I really do not think he anymore dangerous than Peyton Manning, Rodgers or Brees in the playoffs. 

  4. You know I ask myself that same question all the time, lol...


    There are good posters here who can engage in productive back-and-forth discussions without trolling. Others, not so much. You're absolutely right of course, this is like listening to people talk politics. No one ever says, "Gee, you're right... I'm going to abandon my political party and change my ways!" But in the spirit of good debate and healthy conflict, we press on here, lmao


    Are you a member of patsfans.com? I got banned there for pointing out their infatuation with Manning. The way they've down played the TD record this year is hilarious. Post throttled with reasons on why everything Brady does is more spectacular/against all odds/impressive. It's actually sad, and I can confidently say after visiting many message boards, Patsfans.com is easily the worst on the web. No comparison. Only board I've gotten banned from, ever, and I wasn't even being rude but offering non-biased insight.

  5. Ah, back to the defense carrying Brady. It wasn't Brady's 11 Tds to 3 picks during those champ seasons or his average 91 passer rating over those nine games either that brought the Pats those SB wins. Or his 4 fourth quarter comeback/Game winning drives including two in the SBs?


    And let me ask you who were Manning's offensive skill guys those years vs Brady? And didn't Manning throw for 49 Tds in 2004 as well get the MVP but just 3 points?


    Like I said, Brady can get away with 1 TD performances, or multiple turnover performances in the playoffs. Aside from '06, that isn't even close to the case with Manning. 

  6. Is that correct? So much for the argument that Brady had much better defenses than Peyton.


    Not at all. Throughout Brady's 3 Super Bowl runs (2001, 2003, and 2004), his defense let up 15 points per game in all three years combined. That is absolutely ridiculous. That's the defense dominance Manning had in '07 basically spread out to three different seasons. Those Patriot defenses also played teams like the '04 Eagles, '04 Colts, '01 Rams. A couple of the best offenses of all time.


    As soon as Brady lost that defensive dominance and those clutch stops, which he desperately needed in his last two super bowls where he vastly under performed, he hasn't won a thing. Tom Brady also has 6 TDs and 7 interceptions for his career in AFC Championship games I believe, that needs justification. He gets away with more sloppy performances then Peyton does in the post season, and he always has. Aside from '06, if Peyton doesn't at least post a 90+ rating with an efficient performance his teams always lose.

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