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Everything posted by husker61

  1. exactly! Your forced time out example is at the end of games, not when this play happened.
  2. the colts beat Baltimore because he made those kind of kicks and nobody questioned that. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised why people are doing it now. You win it’s ok, you loose, people look to blame something.
  3. I do think the colts need a te that can block and catch more than a receiver. Most of the top offenses have that, I haven’t seen that on the colts. It adds so much to the offense both rushing and passing. I just think lb is the weakest position on the team. You are going to draft a lot of players at other positions, that’s just what my priorities would be and as always would be based on who is available and nobody knows what that will be.
  4. that is a completely different scenario at the end of the game, apples to oranges!
  5. I have been right there saying this all year. Gm just isn’t that good of a qb and that’s why he is a back up qb. I believe he was signed to help Richardson learn the system and that’s it. Unfortunately, he had to take over almost the entire year. I have seen 2nd and 3rd qb’s on other teams with more talent than him. The colts can’t afford to keep him when the starting qb hasn’t proven he can stay healthy. They have to get one that can throw the ball down field. I don’t think the colts offense needs as much as a lot of people here think, just a good qb that can make all the throws. I have been saying the colts have to get some better lb’s, almost every one of the run stops for little gain or loss ar by the defensive line. They don’t make impact passing or running stops. I do like speed though. Maybe Harrison could be a 3rd lb for pass coverage because I hate only playing 2 lb’s.
  6. if you ever played a sport, that would never come across your mind. Even more for top athletes that think they can make the play every time.
  7. all those players had a top qb, huge difference!!!
  8. like I said before, I don’t think he is the same player he used to be!
  9. pierce was wide open for a td at the beginning of the game and Troy aikman pointed out another time he had single coverage deep and that’s a pass that qb’s usually take a shot with. He also said gm needs to take some shots with him beep against a secondary that gives up a lot of long plays. Gm just doesn’t do it, that’s not pierce’s fault!
  10. The colts do have a good amount of talent on the team. How else would they have the record they do with a very limited backup qb all year. Where would any of the top teams be without their starting qb? Probably with about the same record as the colts. I do not want the colts to sign gm. I would rather draft a qb to be the backup and play if Richardson gets hurt again and might be a possible replacement if he can’t keep from getting hurt. I also wouldn’t give Pittman a #1 receiver money because he isn’t. I would draft 2 lb’s as high as needed. I like speed, but I don’t like Franklin at all and need two. I know this won’t be popular, but I would trade Taylor to get rid of the contract. I just don’t think he looks like the same player. I think moss hits the hole faster, like Taylor used to. Moss was getting big runs tonight on very limited chances and has shown it all year. disappointing in the end, but a good year and looking forward to next year. Hoping Richardson is as good as people think he will be.
  11. no, a qb. Pierce had a easy td first play of the game if gm throws him the ball!
  12. Moss is a better rb than Taylor, he is quicker to the hole and runs hard. Taylor looks like he is afraid of getting hurt. Wasted money just like I said before they signed him!
  13. If that offer was made to the colts, and I seriously doubt any teams would do that, and Ballard didn’t jump on it, I would be in the Ballard must go camp!
  14. No mention of the bad lb play, and the colts only play with 2! How do you expect to stop the run when they don’t fill the gaps or tackle well and they aren’t even good pass defenders. Upgrading the lb position would be the biggest difference to the defense!
  15. he has been up and down. He only has 4 td passes in 6 road games. you can say that about almost every game this year, even with the top teams.
  16. Playing only two, and very average lb’s is a big reason for the rushing defense problems.
  17. that’s the issue most if not everyone here think. I don’t think anyone has disputed that.
  18. It’s may not be the team being good or bad, it could be the game plan designing short quick passes that negates a pass rush. I think the colts getting as many sacks as they have is tremendous with a defensive scheme that gives up short quick passes.
  19. great point about scrambling qb’s! I never thought of that.
  20. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t make some kind of an arrangement with the team to not talk about it.
  21. That’s what colts have missed at safety and lb for years, fast top level athletes that are playmakers.
  22. I had the game on while I was taping it and doing something else. One of the cardinals touchdowns was the runner running right through Leonard’s tackle and into the end zone. He needs to just retire. I really think he got hurt and since he has made a large amount of guaranteed money, he isn’t willing to play the same way he used to. Most of us would probably do the same, but keep your mouth shut about the people that gave you that opportunity!
  23. I would like to know how fast qb’s get rid of the ball against the colts compared to other teams. I don’t know if this is a stat that is available, but I think it makes a big difference in sack stats. A soft zone makes it easy for a qb and a teams game plan to just get the ball out fast making it very hard to get pressures or harder for sacks. Teams with good pass coverage makes it easier to get sacks and pressures. There is so much more to it than just the defensive line!
  24. we are only a couple years apart as colts cans. Since Peyton, the colts have favored offense over defense for whatever reason and that has been with multiple gm’s. I think defense wins super bowls, even though many also have top offenses. Having a good defense also leads to consistently having a winning record even if you don’t win a sb. Some of the colts emphasis on offense could be because they had about 20 years of a top qb. Who was the last stand out lb the colts have had, Mike Curtis? Defensive line, the sack pack?
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