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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. 12 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

    That’s kind of my problem though. To take my son to see the Colts it would be $80… The cost of living has gone up, while my pay has stayed the same. So I have to make sacrifices on luxuries like going to a football game so I can still afford food.

    Oh, I hear ya.  I haven't made it to a game in years, partly due to all the ancillary costs.... Parking, gas, etc.  Just not wanting to maneuver and make it make enough sense to go.   I was just saying relative to all the other stuff, prices of actual tickets aren't outrageous....

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/4/2023 at 4:28 PM, RollerColt said:

    I was going to get tickets this year, saw that they had a $40 deal for 40 years. Here I was thinking the deal was for two seats for $40, when it was that amount PER seat... 


    Nope. Can't even afford the nosebleeds anymore. Couldn't afford cable TV anymore either so I cut that. I know there are "methods" to still watch games but I'm not really well versed in all of that jazz.


    So I'll be researching to figure out how to watch games, or just reading the game threads on here to keep up. 

    I mean..... It's about $20 for two to eat at McDonald's..... $40 for an NFL game isn't outrageous anymore.....  Within context.  It's about 10 gallons of gas....

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, stitches said:



    This is really really specific and has details that wouldn't be known to just any insider. This must be coming directly from the team... I have no idea why they would be lying about this. If they are lying this has crossed a line IMO. I'm good with playing hardball with a player in contract dispute, but lying in order to make Taylor look bad would be horrible. And I still don't get what the Colts would gain from this report... it's not like it's giving them any leverage... If they actually want to put him on NFI, they have to actually have proof that he's injured and that it happened away from the team. I guess it can be a warning shot towards Taylor to not try doing anything stupid like trying to fake an injury... but you can do that without straight up fabricating a whole elaborate story about him reporting back pain. 


    Taylor now refuting all those reports is weird too. Did he really report back pain and is now lying? He won't be the first player to report back pain when in contract dispute in order to avoid practicing with the team(remember Jalen Ramsey?). But did he really think the team won't call that bluff? 


    Someone IS LYING... who? is the question? 



    Uh..... The "source?, ESPN?"

  4. 58 minutes ago, Never_Quit said:

    I get that the NFL public hates Irsay but I have never seen this team trashed so hard on social media. Every fan base is taking a victory lap over everything from his drug use to the Luck debacle. Not that Irsay doesnt deserve it, but the Colts organization is bigger than him, and they are getting % all over also.


    I'm sure Stiechen is thinking wth have I gotten myself into?

    What are you talking about?  Irsay is well respected by his peers, and we'll thought of in league circles.  The coaching "fraternity" all speak well of the guy and his group, even his past employees including EGOS like Polian are still very good friends, even advisors....former players love him, edge, Wayne, Mathis, etc...  


    His father?  If you have been a fan since the 90's, and just now have an 8 year old, with all due respect, you likely barely remember his father....  Irsay is nothing like his dad, and has worked at every level of the business...  I get that you wanted to rep a #28 jersey or whatever and rub wins in opposing fans faces soon....I miss that too .... I loved JT runs on the secondary ...  Those days are over, and now it's on to amazing AR plays.

    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    This is brutal. If he doesn't get traded, there's a real chance he holds out all year IMO. 

    Haha he Can't!  He holds out a year and then he loses his accrued year and isn't a free agent basically..... He's absolutely crapped the bed on this whole thing.


    I blame the agent/zoom call.  JT hired this numbskull, likely at ShaqDarius' suggestion, does the guy have any other NFL clients?!  


    That zoom call/pout fest orchestrated by Ekeler was the moment in the timeline JT stopped saying positive things and claiming he knew the deal, etc.....  And a few days radio silence.... Then the negatives started pouring out..... The agent/zoom call....  He can't be this dumb.... I used to think.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't see how this ends any other way than Taylor coming back, playing (likely with a new agent, simply because it's easier to change agents than GM/Owners and this one is new, no long relationship with JT, and plays.....  Maybe gets dinged and sits....trying to con NFL into giving him his accrued season...  I dunno, I don't like it a bit, and used to love JT....  But this is all going down in a very snarky crappy manner....

  7. Just now, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:


    Lmao....."I'm told". Gee..... I wonder?!   Like anyone had to be told this wouldn't sit well ...lol.  Jim's absolutely right though.  And he was self deprecating from the get go....even said straight up, if Jim died tonight, league goes on..... Same with anyone.

    Just now, w87r said:

    We're not trading him for less than a 2nd +.


    We will not give him away.

    Yeah, maybe.  You aren't getting a 2+ either.

  8. 32 minutes ago, DZS13 said:

    Taylor’s agent is the problem. He’s still under contract and coming off an injury and some bad fumbles last year. 

    The HILARIOUS part in all that is.... He's in his rookie deal....Taylor can't sit out, he loses a crucial to him, accrued year....  And Indy now has very little incentive to trade him....low return value, even lower now that the request is public, and plenty of cap space to sit on him and call his bluff on holding out.  


    JT is screwed unless he completely acts a fool to the point they keep him away from the team....and then he STILL loses the accrued season he needs 

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    So what happens when Taylor and his agent find out he isn’t going to get offered what he wants. Would they be able to mend fences and him come back. I think it is too far gone.

    You realize he requested the trade after irsays tweet?

    So what?  The tweet that said the league is bigger than any individual?


    JT was accepted into Harvard.  This isn't happening because he is too stupid or lacking capabilities to comprehend the situation, or nuance.....  You don't get into Harvard if those are the case....


    No, this is happening because it's what JT wants, or has been convinced he wants.  Feels like Oladipo/Pacers/"can I come play with y'all" all over again, on field turf 





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  10. 8 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I think they are going to find out a guy coming off ankle surgery isn’t going to get the deal he thinks.



    Sorry I meant there was not a rookie wage scale like there is today.

    Gotcha!  And requesting a trade wasn't his ONLY move.....  


    Ball out this year, show you are healthy.... Yeah, injury could happen, but it's an option... .then get paid 


    How the hell is asking for a trade going to away any team, Indy or otherwise... to sign him long term????  What difference does stomping your feet and saying you quit make?

    • Like 1
  11. 38 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I doubt they will even get anything more then a third round pick too. Irsay can’t keep his flap shut and screws everything up.



    Someone mentioned in Steichen offense that a pass catching back is what is needed more then a bruiser. 

    How did anything Irsay said make you come to this conclusion??  Watch firing from the hip so quickly, you'll graze yourself!  J/k

  12. 18 hours ago, Nickster said:

    Yep negotiations in sports sometimes get pretty nasty.  We just haven’t seen much at that here with Irsay handing out money like mad to guys who play less important positions and Jacoby Friggin Brissett and a washed up kicker.   But there have been ugly publicity during negotiations that ended up in done deals.

    I am SURE JT saw the mint given to a guard and an off the ball LB and a RT and BEFORE their contracts were due and is What the actual you know what?  What about my money?  

    This org is a clown show though and it starts with a man child at the top.

    Hard, Hard disagree.  

  13. On 7/28/2023 at 4:42 PM, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Wonder if Taylor would let colts add a year to his deal that way he wouldn’t have to be franchised. He gets a pay raise then colts can talk extension after the year is over.

    Yeah, just add a year..... I'm sure that'd make him happy.


    28 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    Of course not. You completely missed my point 

    Must have, ah well.

  14. 1 hour ago, John Hammonds said:

    FWIW, this all seemed to blow up when Jim Irsay tweeted (or X'ed???) his piece criticizing "some agents" negotiating in bad faith.


    Irsay hasn't yet learned what the founder of my employer said a long time ago:


    "Listen much; say little; write nothing." -- John Pierpont Morgan


    In modern parlance:  "Don't press send."

    Yet again...... 


    Irsay is a member of the ownership finance committee.  It is literally his "job" to occasionally weigh in on finance and CBA matters.  The entire RB fiasco and suggesting in public that the CBA (that the finance committee is/was heavily involved in) was negotiated in bad faith.... Is exactly the type of thing Irsay should be expected to weigh in on....  Irsay needing to "learn something" is the joke here.

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