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Posts posted by BOONE

  1. I will only say this and then Im done with the Peyton talk...........If not for PETON MANNING there is no Lucas Oil Stadium and Indy has no pro football team. There are some fans like myself that know its all just part of football and these things happen but this should not be one of them, Peyton Manning is bigger than the "horseshoe" because without him there is no shoe in INDY...........GOOD LUCK Peyton and thank you for all the good times, I will always be a Colts fans but because of what you have done and still will do for Indy I will always pull for you FIRST because true "INDY" fans owe you that and we know THE HORSESHOE WAS NAILED HERE BECAUSE OF YOU!

  2. I wish Manning the best and I say that as a fan that knows no matter how much he has made $$$$ its not even close to what he is/was worth. I like many others want to see Manning back in BLUE but only if thats what he wants and if a SB comes first to him now then I say more power to him but if he wants to stay here MAKE IT HAPPEN. The truth is most NFL fans are fickle and only see the now..............I will always pull for the Colts but JIM is wrong about one thing that other owners could say and be 100% right on the money and thats is ..."the Horseshoe..it is bigger than any individual.....ect ect " Well Jim, its not bigger than than the man that nailed the shoe to INDY, the man that made you look like a HOF owner and put a ring on your hand, without Manning Indy has no team and you are what you are.............Maybe Im what most would call a fool for my stance on Manning but fickle Im not.

  3. This is more P/R ^cowpatties^ to get fans talking about old broke neck Peyton and its seems to work pretty good.................. until the man signs on with another team and we get to see the same Peyton that took the colts to the playoffs year after year. Why is it that so many fans feel like Peyton would keep playing football "KNOWING" that he will not be in good form, If Peyton cant play the game at a high level then he is sure to walk away and there is no doubt in my mind about that.

  4. Would it make you feel better if I said that in my opinion Manning's time is done here? If so here it goes. In my opinion Peyton Manning has played his last down as an Indianapolis Colt.

    I feel the same (pains me to say that) and today was all about the P/R game because Jim knows its time to start getting the fans on his side............In the end Peyton gets ran out of the house he built IMO

  5. It doesnt matter if you like Manning or not.....want him gone or wish Jim would keep him .....The bottom line is Manning deserves much better than this mess, I dont feel like Jim owes him the world or the money for that matter but you cant read the rehab comments and not see that THE MAN that has made the Colts the "COLTS" has been put on the back burner and is being treated like some nobody. Thats not even getting into the fact that Grigson only finds a min to say HI while bumping into Manning ........If we have to part ways with Manning IT NEEDS TO BE WITH CLASS and there seems to be a big lack of respect for the Man that has put Indy on the map. I just dont like what Im starting to see here and thats as positive as I can be.

  6. All the "Manning might not ever resemble himself" talk is just crazy! YES, it might be true but if we stop letting emotions get the best of us we would know Manning is just not gonna play the game if he is not up to par its just not the kind of man he is. My gut tells me that Manning knows what he has left right now and by the time we are ready to make the call on LUCk he will be sure that everyone knows. There is no question in my mind that he will do what is best for Colts before anyone else.

    We also know that if there is one thing that this season has shown its that we must pick up a QB no matter what, Even if manning calls its quits and we draft luck there is no way that we dont try to pick up a quality back up.....Manning or Luck goes down and were left with the same mistake that haunted this year and who wants to be the fool that made that call lol. ( Dan is not the answer)

    All that said lets not forget Irsay made it clear that ""if"" Manning is good to go.....(that means all he has to do is ask with a man like Manning) he will stay a Colt. Im not gonna say if its the right thing or not but I feel like no matter what we do without Manning the next few years are gonna see a lot more losses than most new Colts fans are accustom to, and who better to stop the bleeding over the next year or two than the Man who made a career out of it. He has proven that he can take a 2-13 team and carry them to the post season year after year.

    The last thing you have to keep in mind is that Manning has proven its not about money and he will resturcture his contract to help his team..........I can see a Colts team less a few aging players but I think given what we know, Manning pending good health has a backup named Luck next year when he should be on the phone with SF going after rings with the few years he has left.

  7. We are soon to be down the only man that can keep fans in the stands.........One word for ya! "MIAMI" and if that means nothing to ya then I can see why you might want to see us win vs Jax. Be real boys the first pick this year is just not some every year #1 its gonna bring a lot to the table and we havent seen a top pick in a very long time. As for the comment about we have made it by with out high picks for this long ???????????????Does anyone need to reply on that lmao

  8. I feel its about the same thing also, If you pull your starters in a close game like we did/have its like saying it doesnt matter if we win and im fine with that. This next game vs JAX we should have the same outlook. Im pulling for Jax and looking at it for what it is; a REAL chance to have a good pick to work with that we have not had in ...................................................................................................................................How long has it been lol

  9. How can some of you fans not see that a loss tonight would have made this team stronger......Im not looking at the now Im looking at the next 5,6 ,10 years ect This was a game that can come back to haunt us for a long aztime...Its doesnt make you a Colt hater just means you are looking at the long haul and not not some pointless win. They did there job but it could have did more damage in the long run.....It does not feel good to say that but Im not goona look away from the facts .....keep or trade the #1 IS BIG TIME THIS YEAR BOYS!

  10. You do play to win the game but its sad to think that a game/win with no meaning can cost us so much for years and years to come......if we beat the Jags there is a good chance that 2 or 3 years form now we could be the next Miami and that makes me sick .........how many ^cowpatties^ QB's have they been through now. It hurts me to say this but I hope we dont win next Sun because I know it's one of the few times it will make us stronger and thats a fact. MAKE NO MISTAKE... NO BLAME HERE I KNOW THEY ARE JUST DOING THERE JOB

  11. Its hard to say it...... but we did not need to win this game, its a pointless win that could cost us for a long time to come. That said I dont blame any player, they just did there job. wow good feelings mixed with bad tonight and it makes me sick to think how much a win can cost you when its worth nothing at this point.

  12. How do you turn a COLTS fan into a Manning Fan? Keep Caldfail..........If the end of this season does not mark the end of Caldwell I will find anoter team to pull for after Manning calls it quits. The man is not a HC and the thought of him keeping his job tisses me off in a bad way. The money I and other fans have spent on tickets should count for something!

  13. Because with just a few good moves we could have been so much more or should I say can be so much more.....maybe sign a good FA from time to time, stop paying players like BOB,gonzo ect ect... year after year after year to do NOTHING BUT TAKE CAP SPACE! Get a real HC and show Jim the door...I could keep this up all night but we all know where im going here. Manning has outdone himself just pulling off what he has but with just a little help from the boss he could have done much more in the post season. As a paid player Im not sure he is owed anything from them but as a Colts fan I say your DAN right they do!

  14. Of course not, I mean, why would we want yet another decade of unprecedented regular season success, 9 straight playoff appearances c/w 2 Super Bowl appearances, 1 Super Bowl victory, and several other near misses that could have easily turned into the Colts' favour on just 1 or 2 plays potentially resulting in several more SB appearances and maybe another 1or 2 SB wins. How utterly flawed it has been to come up with a plan that turned a team into a perrennial SB contender. <rolls eyes>

    Honestly, I am infinitely thankful that fickle fans do not run the Colts organization. Try cheering for the same team for 45 years, maybe then some of you will gain a little bit of historical perspective to balance your unrealistic bias of success. This 'ol dog will take a run of 9 out of 10 years any and every time.

    Well that 'OL DOG wont hunt.......ficlke? Man if you can't see after this year that Manning has had this team on his back then I dont know what to say lol........"IF" the organization would have did things the right way we would have been a dynasty. If what you say is true then I guess we should have been just fine this year and heck we should even give Caldwell a nice fat bonus! IMO Your logic is a joke, now dont take that personal I just feel like that kind of nonsense is why we have fallen short. Its like this, are QB has never been one to settle for anything less than perfection when it comes to game preparation and if you "could" say the same for this organization you would see many more SB wins and thats a fact. You take your 9 out of 10 run with 1 SB to show for and call it good but I call it proof that we wont make the changes needed to be more than just a reg season power house.

  15. I agree, Miami Just gave us the first round pick. Now there is something I have been wanting to say. A couple of months ago I started the topic that the Colts wanted Luck. It's no secret, that the Colts spoke with Luck in the off season. Now I got people upset about Payton, well you know what, GET OVER IT, Payton is a great player, and I have been following the Colts ever since they moved to Indy. I was there in the RCA dome when we didn't have NO one in the stands, They were giving tickets away so they won't have to Black out the games. So I went throught the Black Outs, the 1 and 15 seasons, the 2 and 14 seasons so I supported them before Payton, through Payton, and hopfully not the end of Payton. I paid my dues with this team, I went through the let downs, being talked about, but i stll boosted on my Colts proudly. We all know that Payton couldn't play this game forever. 14 years in this league is a long time. I love Payton like many of you, but it comes a time we just may have to say good by. Payton is still a young man and i know he may want children someday. And toss the ball around with his son..But if he gets out on that field, and takes a wrong hits, and something bad should happen (God Forbid) we all are going to carry out our lifes as normal and Payton sitting up there in a hospital bed somewhere. We as Colts fan have to understand a couple of things. The front office mesed up by putting all there eggs in one basket. What i mean by that is relaying on Payton 100%. This is why other teams like New England don't have this issue. They went out and got other players, that didn't mean anything to them, all they wanted to do is use them to trade for draft picks, Look what they got for Randy Moss. I won't have gave 2 bread sticks for the man, But you know what, some other team deemed him valuable. Then New England started trading players getting more first round picks. WHY, because New England knew they were not going to get a first round pick no time soon with Brady. Now, lets just sit back, support out Colts, support Payton, and understand, it's not the players fault. The front office sould have know better. Let's get the first round pick, take our lumps and move on.

    You need to read up on "pEyton's" injury ..................nuff said lmao

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