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Posts posted by CDN_C_Hawk

  1. JUst wanted to come here and say, I had a feeling this is a game the Hawks could lose, and, your Colts deserved this big win, LUck just picked apart the L.O.B, and I must say.....your receivers made some amazing catches out there today. YOu can all be very proud of your team and, what the future holds. I'm also proud for Matt Hass.... I'm sure its a bit bitter for him...but I know he is a great team mate...no matter what colors he's in.  Stay healthy and scream loud....remember you might never touch the ball but you can be responsible for points...and a win.

  2. I don't think Russell gives a hoot, that's what makes him Russell Wilson.

    Greetings Colts fans. As a Seahawk fan...two games I circled as possible losses this year were the Houston game and this game against a very good Colts team. We had a very tough win against the Texans, that J.J.Watt is one non stop beast, and I was proud of the make shift OL  doing JUST enough to allow Wilson, to find escape routes. I think Luck has improved from his rookie year, and going thru his progression better, and now that you have Richardson, that helps to balance your offensive game plan. Texans did well with the down and out passes, nothing deep. I saw another topic about Sherman claiming Wilson in better than Luck, and that is merely standing behind your leader but I know Sherm, has nothing but respect for Luck, seeing her had to deal with him in practices at Standford. He might have also consider Wilson's off field contributions, which is why he has become so endearing to the 12th Man, you can find out from this link http://q13fox.com/2013/10/02/qbs-touching-reunion-with-young-heart-

    transplant-patient-biggest-fan/#axzz2gjbYisWs This game can go either way, but I see great things happening for the Colts, win or lose. Cheers from Vancouver, Canada, ...GoHawks

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