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Barry Sears

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Posts posted by Barry Sears

  1. Well, under 45 minutes to go and it will all hit the fan again. As someone mentioned earlier, we probably won't have much going on the next day or two as far as the Colts are concerned.  We'll pick up some less expensive players and I'm sure we'll be watching for names being released from other teams so they can pay the big bucks they've promised to their free agents.


    Ballard will create some depth and competition and then prepare for the draft, IMO.

    • Like 2
  2. Not signing a big name FA, doesn't mean we weren't involved in pursuing any of those big name FA's.  Too many equate not getting one with not trying.  We are competing against the other teams in the NFL.  It's not like, "okay Player X, do you want to play for the Colts?  If not, then we'll let you pick from any other NFL team, then."


    We don't get first crack at these guys and then they decide to go elsewhere.


    I'm confident that Ballard kicked the tires on some of these guys, but it got too expensive for his taste and vision.  Better to use the money to sign good to very good players and have more of them, than to have 1 or 2 high priced divas.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, MightyLucks said:

    That ring won’t pay for your retirement, we’ve seen many broke athletes auction theirs off. I will never criticize someone for doing what’s right for their family/future. NFL is crazy, it can all end in one play. 


    I agree and that was part of my point.  But, given the choice of playing for a contender with a few less dollars in your pocket, or cashing in an playing for a loser, I would take the former.

  4. What's the over/under on how many of these high priced free agents will be demanding trades from these bad teams in 2 years?  I realize you get as much $$$ as you can, because no NFL career is guaranteed to last due to potential injury, but I would also think where you play is worth something.  Take a little less cash and play for a contender.  We know money doesn't buy happiness, but I would be happy looking at a nice big Super Bowl Championship ring for a long time.

  5. Ballard has always said you build your foundation via the draft and then look to free agency to fill in any gaps to get you where you want to be.  We had a great draft last year and I expect another one this year.  He made some very smart FA signings last year and I expect he'll do the same next year.


    Let's wait and pass judgment on this year's signings after we see them play in our system with our coaches.

    • Like 2
  6. What about the big spenders??  Won't they eventually have to cut some very good players for cap reasons as a result?  We're only finished with Day one of Tampering Period...in Day 2 now and the official signing day is tomorrow.


    It's Irsay's money and Irsay's team.  He hired Ballard to run it and Reich to coach it, so what we think is irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.  Ballard and Reich won awards for their performance last season...I don't think anyone here won the Armchair GM trophy.


    Going to let them do their job and enjoy the results.  This time last year no one would have guessed the success we ended up having, the awards won by players, coaches and our GM.


    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    It’s pretty sad guys still don’t want to come here.  Ballard seems to be opening the check book but they would rather play somewhere else.


    Apparently Bell has been wanting to come here for a long time, but Ballard is not going to over pay for him.  I'm just glad this Bell thing is nearly over.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, needanoline63 said:

    All this money, and all we can show for it is Devin Funchess. We’re knocking on the door but Ballard still being shy


    How do you know we weren't in the bidding for any or all of these other guys?  We weren't in the front office with Ballard yesterday.


    Teams have historically overpaid for free agents and underachieved...then, they're locked into impossibly bad contracts or shelled out tons of bonuses they can never recover.


    It's a process and Ballard wants the right players for this team and to be able to have the $$ to keep them, if he wants.

  9. Okay, just read through all 10 pages of posts and opinions are split, as expected.


    To me, a 1 year deal for $10 mil with another $3 in incentives is a rather low risk deal.  If he makes $13 mil, then he met the incentives and had a great season.


    I'm guessing a large portion of his drops were due to poor passes to him from Newton.  Cam throws high, behind and too hard at times.  NO receiver will catch every pass and NOT ALL receivers are Olympic sprinters.


    The video I've watched of him shows me a lot of promise, especially if he has the right QB in the right system with an offensive minded head coach at the helm.


    Indy and Carolina are completely different situations and atmospheres.


    Now, this was just ONE MOVE of many more to come via FA and the draft...Ballard has taken ONE STEP and the journey has just begun.


    Many have cried for a big WR here for years and now we have one!!  Let's be optimistic and give this guy a chance in our system with our QB before we pass judgement on this deal.


    If he has a good or great year and loves playing in Indy, then there's no reason why he can't stay here beyond this season.


    I think I'll wait and watch him play for the horseshoe before I applaud or boo this move by Ballard.


    Ballard has forgotten more about football than the majority of us know about football.


    We have no idea what went on behind the scenes yesterday as players started agreeing to deals, we don't know if we were in on any of those deals and they got too expensive.


    Our view from the sidelines is very limited.

    • Like 5
  10. This is a marathon, not a sprint.  Yes, Reich said win now mode, but I think that means we do all we can to be in a position to win each game, not necessarily win the Super Bowl now.


    I fully expect us to contend for the AFC South title, which should be our first goal.  If we do that, then we're obviously in the playoffs, and anything can happen, as we've seen over the years.  But, if we lose in the playoffs this season, that's not a disaster, just a disappointment.


    How we play and look in the playoffs will be a measurement of our progress.  As Ballard said, the step from good to great is the hardest, and that can't be measured by the result of one game.  The entire regular season and playoffs must be considered as a whole, I believe.


    With that being said, I'd love to win the Super Bowl this year, but I'm not expecting it to happen.  However, it will within the next few seasons as we improve and build that solid core.

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