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Posts posted by Iancolts

  1. Revis. He has no weakness in his game. They were saying on NFL match up to watch for the Pats to force Sherman to come across the field as he is not as good moving laterally as he is down the field.

    And I agree with others here that I would go with Davis over Sherman as well. So Revis, Davis and then Sherman.

    I'll take Sherman!! Revis is not that great anymore plus he plays for Belichick!!

  2. Um...not at all what I said. So before you start judging my moral compass there...why don't you pay attention.

    In a thread where everyone is questioning everything to do with the team I grew up rooting for, And when people say 'I couldn't imagine rooting for a team that does that', I'm trying to explain why I still do. Nothing will take away the way I felt watching my team win those championships, and because I don't believe any of what they did truly gave them some grand advantage, I don't sit there and say 'oh boy that sure was fun watching them win but a piece of me is dead inside knowing they didn't earn them.'

    That seems to be what all of you want to hear us Patriots fans say...but you can't figure out why we won't.

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