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Posts posted by dwatkins27

  1. Personally, I have always been a big fan of the 4-3 over the 3-4. I traditionally like having 4 with their hand in the dirt. I have grown more fond of the 3-4 over the years, but you have to have the right personnel to be effective. Right now I do believe that the 3-4 for the colts will work itself out with still getting the proper players to be a very effective defense.

  2. I believe that we should stay with Costanzo as a LT. He might not be the superstar, but he is getting better every year. He is above average as of right now. If the colts splash some cash in free agency on the offensive line, then it will only help take pressure off of Costanzo.

  3. Genuine question. Do you honestly think Luck was undecided whether to hand off or not, just prior to the snap?

    Your second point. Absolutely.


    I do believe that he had his mind made up before the snap. I do believe that the announcers said it was one of the only times that Luck has actually pulled the ball. I also believe that he still had to make that split second hesitation with T-Rich to make sure 100% that the read crashes. I was one of those people who yelled at the tv at T-Rich for getting stuffed haha. Very nice play call and would like to see more read options in the future.

  4. I'm genuinely sorry to learn that.    


    Either way,  hope you enjoy this little community.    Lots of very nice people here.      :thmup:


    I am sorry that I have come off as a * towards you and coffeedrinker, not really what I am about. I do realize that my post was more of a personal attack at him and not anything to really contribute to the thread. I do agree that there are a lot of nice people in these forums. Thank you for the warm welcome and I am sorry again. 

  5. Winning friends is a figure of speech.....   and the fact that you don't know that,  that you thought I meant that literally,  tells me all I need to know.


    And while you've been lurking around since April,  this was your third post....   as I said,  Heckuva first impression!   


    Congrats!      :thmup:


    Obviously it is a figure of speech... I was stating why would I need to "win" friends when that is not what I am here for? Trust me, what people think of me over the internet will not hinder me in any way.

  6. Speaking of "seriously clueless"


    You're a brand new poster....   this is your 3rd post.     Three whole posts.


    And you're calling someone you don't even know "seriously clueless"?!?     Because you disagree with them?    Seriously?


    Way to make a Heckuva first impression!       :thmup:


    You might want to re-think you're approach........    it's not one that will wear well over time....


    Or,  maybe not.    Maybe you think this is the best way to win friends and influence people?


    It's entirely up to you.......


    Is that why you are on here, to make friends? Trust me the last thing I joined this forum for is to make friends lol. Just because I have only posted 3 times does not mean I am new to the forums. If you would of looked at my profile it would of said that I have been a member sense April. I choose to read the forums daily to see the topics on forums and other peoples thoughts. I am not going to be sorry for pointing out to someone that they are wrong with something that is pretty basic in football. 

  7. Jesus, coffeedrinker... You are seriously clueless. That 4th down play was clearly a read option. You can see Luck read the end man on the line of scrimmage. He crashed down on T-Rich so he pulled the ball and took off running. If the end man on the line of scrimmage would of stayed do you really believe Luck would of loved running right into him and lose yards. I ran the read option in high school and clearly a NFL analysis said it was a read option, but you are entitled to believe what you like.

  8. I would take that trade as well. You have the running backs to replace Montee and Russel Wilson is on a run heavy team. Eli has David Wilson as a running back that can catch the ball out of the backfield, and Eli has Cruz and Nicks. Reggie will be a consistent WR for you over the year, with not being injury prone and has crazy hands.

  9. I heard that floated to someone today on 1070 today and the guy thought that it would probably take another season ending jury or two to a MLB for that to really happen.  The guy (and I am sorry I forgot who it was now) seemed to really question how much Scott still had in the tank.


    I believe it was Greg Rakestraw, who was sitting in for Dan Dakich. I agree with his assessment about Bart Scott. At MLB we still have Anger, Conner, Freeman, and Shepard. I would say if one of them go down the Colts will go after Scott.

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