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King Colt

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Posts posted by King Colt

  1. Scenario: Manning comes back in game #14 of this year: Both of the two games are down to the wire: Manning throws game winning touchdowns in both games giving the Colts a 2-14 record. The Problem: Now the Colts miss the first draft choice (Luck). Manning is fed to the beasts because he cost the Colts the opportunity to get Luck and trade him for a bundle of starting players and high draft choices. What would your thoughts be should this ever happen? Let's say it's possible and now the discussions nationwide are "should they even consider putting manning in knowing he could win. If they don't, are they "rigging" the games? "The name of the game is winning" as we have heard one million times but is it?

  2. It was a minute after the end of the game, a very big bragging rights game, so get off Harbaugh. Schwartz over reacted not because of incident but because he lost. He is a very emotional coach that likes to stuff it to other coaches so this is a non issue only for the media.


  3. Stupid Colts organization!!!!! Build a defense geared to play with a lead. How presumptuous. Now, blame a coach that did not build this defense. Don't draft a running game. Momma told me never put all your chips in one basket. Why not change the name of the team to the Indy Peytons? Did Unitas have a running game? Did Montana? Did Bradshaw? Marino? Take a look at any and all great QB's and look at their backfields. Now the slant is the cheating skunk from Ohio State will get the job next year as he is Isay's maid and butler. Great Choice!! College and pro ball are one in the same and that is why every top draft choice from college comes in and sets all new QB records. Duh.

  4. A life-long organization dedicated to D-E-F-E-N-S-E the Bears still have not joined the rest of the NFL. The last standout QB they had was Bill Wade a very long time ago. This is an organization that took a tight end, Bobby Douglas and put him behind the center. Their Super Bowl win was defense, not offense. The hideous performance last night was due to no discipline coming from coaches that are proven failures as their resumes show. Paying the money to get Cutler was like the Houston Texans drafting Carr only to destroy his career thinking he also would not need protection. This type of mentality stems from ignorance, ineptitude and not caring about anything other than a paycheck and we have all seen this in our working lives. Imagine a group of "professionals" sitting around a table and making these incredibly stupid decisions, "duh, ya boss". Cutler should start packing his bags now because he is a fool to believe things will change.

  5. What price is the ownership willing to pay to hold on to a QB with a foggy future passing on any chance of adding a potential superstar. Since not going to the playoffs pays nothing for this year, does the organization say,"We will be great again when #18 returns after a year of ZERO activity, a year older and what kind of guarantee on the neck"? What is in the minds of the players with only a few years left? With all pro sports living on the greed "Winning in the only thing" how does that figure in to this years record dictating years of failure in the future versus grabbing Stan Luck? No one is sacred and no one is above winning games......no one!!

  6. Keep in mind how much coaching was going on when the offense was on the field with #18. "Coaching" was more of a suggestion box. This magnifies how much one team depended on one player to a fault. If the Colts organization was one of the The Three Little Pigs the house in Indianapolis was built out of hay......as we watch it slowly burn to the ground.

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