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Posts posted by Powerslave

  1. 42 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

    You don’t want Harbaugh. That’s a sinking ship. Did you see what happened to Michigan on NSD? Bunch of de-commits. NCF is going to like me saying this but he’s an overrated HC who butts heads with management and hasn’t won the big one anywhere.

    They had 1 de-commit.  Does that equal a "bunch"?




  2. Ugh, as a lifelong UM fan living in Indy with the Colts as my #2 team, there is SO much incorrect stuff in this thread.  This is one example of that.

    Jim Harbaugh turned down Oakland(who allegedly offered upwards of $8m per year), a franchise where he wouldn't have to relocate and a team that has a good, young QB.  Why?  Because he loves Michigan. Harbaugh was their A,B, and C choice because he's a top 3-5 coach in all of football.  They did not, however, "throw a lot of money at him."  They paid up very well(I believe around $5M a year) and allowed him to assemble the best staff possible(which he did).  This nonsense that he chased the money and Michigan was begging is absolutely ridiculous. 


    What's even more ridiculous is the notion that "he leaves everywhere after 4-5 years and wears out his welcome."  He left San Diego for a job promotion.  He left Stanford for a job promotion(a NFL gig).  The only place in his career that "didn't want him," were the 49ers whom had many, many players coming to JH's defense; Kaepernick, Anthony Davis, Iupati, etc.

    With that all said -- he won't be coaching the Colts next season or in the near future for a couple of reasons.


    1) He loves Michigan.  He turned down a huge offer from Oakland just shows that.

    2) He relocated his entire family to AA(where he grew up) and his parents even relocated to AA to see his games.

    3) Did I mention he loves UM?  If you watched his introductory conference and how much more personable he was, you can see that. 

    4) He has repeatedly said many times, "I can't fail Michigan," because he reveres the program and Bo Schembechler.  A lot of people close to the job search and coach himself think he could see himself as a lifer at UM. 

    5) His coaching style is better in the college game.  He knows that after his time in SF.

    6) The interim AD has given full control.  Jim is even going to have a huge say-so on whom is hired as the permanent AD.


    Bottom line, people greatly underestimate the love he has for UM.  He didn't just go to school there, he grew up in AA and as a young kid was hanging around the football program and Bo Schembechler all the time.  I think the posters in this thread have a better chance at being the next HC moreso than Jim.  


    Well said.  He's not leaving UM anytime soon. Money has nothing to do with it.  He's where he wants to be.

  3. Hmm, well if the real Andrew Luck is the one that threw 18 INT's and only had a completion percentage of 54% then we might need to start looking at a replacement for him too.  :dunno:


    Thats not a fair comparison.  Its irrelevent, because NO TEAM is going to give up a 1st Rd pick for Fleener.  I can't believe this thread is 4 pages long.  A 2nd Rd pick maybe then we have a debate.

  4. Holes?     In the Colts defense?     Really?     Seriously?


    I'll take "Yes! for $2,000, Alex"


    Find me 40 sacks from this defense.     Find me 20-24 interceptions.


    They may come.   They may be there.    But they're not apparent now, today. 


    Who are the game changers?    Who are the big play makers?    I don't see many today.    I might in 6 months,  but nothing is obvious to me today.


    So, for me there are holes on every level (DL, LB and DB) until we prove on the field that there are not.

    Do we have to have 40 sacks and 24 ints to be successful/better.  The 2006 SB champs weren't close to either of those catorgories but things turned out all right :thmup:

  5. Now that we have made it clear that we're not bringing back Avery,  I would be shocked if we didn't do one of two things.




    A)  sign another FA wide receiver.




    B)  draft a wide receiver.



    I believe one of those two things will happen.

    I agree.  I would be surprised if another WR isn't added to the roster before training camp or even OTAs

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