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Posts posted by LoudandProud

  1. I'm not sure I could name just one, as all mentioned above are favorites.

    However, aside from those, I really enjoyed the all Field Goal win in Baltimore in the SB run.

    Was that Bethea who picked the ball at the goal line while getting hammered by a team mate, and held on?

    yes and Clark made an amazing catch on 3rd down to seal the victory. That's my favorite thing about this thread...the little nuances we remember.

  2. this

    Over 20 years of pain washed away in a matter of 1 half of football. To be 100% honest, at the time I didn't care in the least if we won the SB or not. We made it..........was all I could feel.

    My most painful memory (memories) is a tie between the 05 Pitt game and the 1995 AFCCG @ Pitt. I was young then, like 23, and when the announcer yelled "HE CAUGHT IT" I leaped from the couch in pure bliss and within a few seconds had crumbled to the floor in anguish.


    Phil Simms screaming he caught it! he caught the ball! I taped the game...yes for all the youngsters out there we used to videotape things on TV...and you can see the TV picture shake from me jumping up when Simms screamed he caught it. Brutal loss but great great game.

  3. its got to be the 2006 AFC CHAMP game !!!!!! for me anyways .....i remember being on my couch with my head hung in another case of c.e.e.p.s (colts early exit playoff syndrome) i was so upset that the patriots did it to us again !!!! No game fo me has had the broad range of emotions and total suprise than that one for the ages and an instant classic !!!!!!!

    :coltshelmet::lombardi::coltshelmet: :dancing:

    down 21-3 after a pick 6 was total agony. That 9 minute field goal drive to close out the half really gassed the Pats and set up that amazing comeback.

  4. Live, would be my 1st live Colts game. '76 Colt's at Miami, MNF, Mike barnes tips the Phins xtra point, Colts win 17- 16. (freezing cold for being in Miami).Walked with my brother from the Orange Bowl to N Miami Beach to get home because the bus's didn't run that late.

    Tv Game, the '07 AFCCG. What a rush lol

    sounds like a good one! thanks for sharing a more vintage memory.
  5. Of course, the AFC Championship comeback over the Pats stands out, but for me, these games equal, or even surpass that moment.

    Live, the 1995 AFC Championship game in Pittsburgh...Everyone in the stadium got quiet, (except me and a few other Colt fans), as we all thought the Colts had pulled off yet another miracle comeback...My heart sank as they showed the replay of the ball rolling up basically the entire body of Aaron Bailey, then slowly hitting the ground..Even Pittsburgh fans were saying that was the greatest game they had ever seen, and were very gracious to myself after the game..

    On TV..The greatest comeback in history...The Tampa Bay game, where the Colts were so far down, and came back to win in OT...Brad Pyatt (few remember him) almost running one back...Peyton tearing apart the D with precision passes...and Vanderjagt almost blowing it at the end...That game had everything...

    The Pittsburgh game had it all. Coryatts dropped pick would have sealed it. Lamont jordan getting stuffed on 3rd and 1, Odonnel almost sacked on 4th and ten. So many things would have ended that game.

    The Tampa game was great too. Vandershank getting an extra chance on the game winner thanks to a launching penalty was sweet. That was a heart attack game last 4 minutes.

  6. RG3 has WAYYYYYYYYY too much talent as a passer and is wayyyy to smart to be a flash in the pan. This isnt Michael Vick lol

    Agreed but he needs to stop taking so many big hits to stick around. I'm not rooting against him I just don't see him lasting that long.

  7. Yeah, it's much better to take 3-4 years to get to the playoffs, then get bounced out. It's never too early to have some success. Did you forget your meds today?

    yes I forgot to take my anti-intelligent thinking meds again thanks for reminding me! You have to think outside the box a little if you want a dynasty. hillbillybob gets it. I'll break it down. You have a decent team...draft in the middle for years...and finish in the middle for years...or you struggle for awhile...draft high...then finish at the top for a decade or so...do you still want the early "success"?

  8. yeah i gues

    yeah i guess so. we have to get some good players in FA. what i really hope the colts would do is get warmack in the 1st then get larry warford. everyone is saying hes good those 2 guards fit out scheme. in FA i would hope to get a good tackle we could keep costanzo at LT and get sebastian vollmer at RT. he is a really good RT. our line would be CASTONZO-WARMACK-SATELE-WARFORD-VOLLMER. AWESOMMEEE

    Vollmer would be some pickup.

  9. Anyone else think the Colts success might have come a little too soon for its own good? Management stocked the team with some promising young guys and serviceable veterans to keep the team competitive in the short term. Probably needed to amass some early draft picks for a few years to allow for sustainability. I'm not complaining I just hope it's a deep run into the playoffs and not a path to eventual mediocrity.

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