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Posts posted by LoudandProud

  1. attachicon.gifimage.jpg


    I need you to vote in my thread, don't sugar coat it

    I actually voted earlier but I voted average/slightly above.  Had I voted yesterday I would have gone with bring back Polian's son.  I really like Landry but unsure that he'll play as hard with a 4 year deal but sure hoping so.  I like Ricky a lot too.  

  2. I agree with most everything .



    Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.   :D


    But not with this .  I'll wait to judge Ryan Grigsons moves in FA till next off season . Some folks take there selves & there opinions to seriously all I can say is thanks for the laughs . Thank goodness Ryan Grigson is the GM & not the wanna be sports guru's who can't even build a dog house let alone a monster .

    I think I get the plan now.  It was a little unclear to me at first so I was frustrated.  The run D has been greatly improved IMO while the pass rush hasn't...BUT...the secondary is now stout so you can try to pass if you dare.  I would like to see a beefcake D lineman and a prototypical wide receiver drafted.  Ballard is a good enough RB I think unless someone falls.  How is the draft setting up for us?



  3. you have to love every move it makes or every player on it.  People spend a lot of time on this forum knocking down anyone with a dissenting opinion.  Differing opinions are what make the market for a conversation.  Don't hate it.  If everyone thought the same way how much fun would that be.  Love thy neighbor.  Love thy team...


    Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!


    Colts will be fine in the long run.  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.  :D




  4. Good morning....


    My gut feeling (and I've got quite the gut!) tells me we will not hear a whole lot of compliments from many in the media.


    Face it,  not only do most of us not know who most of the players are that we signed,  neither do the so-called media experts.


    They are not GM's.   They are not scouts.   They are not talent evaluators.   


    Some might give Grigson the benefit of the doubt based on his terrific first year.   But I don't expect anyone to lavish praise on him either.


    I'm more expecting to hear we over-paid for Walden or Toler, or someone else, than I'm expecting to hear how brave Grigson is and that he has the courage to avoid the names in favor of no-name, plain wrap, who's he type of players.   


    It's not sexy.   It gets no headlines.   The only time we'll get praise is if we have another good year.


    Then, these same people will start saying....   "looks like Ryan Grigson knew what he was doing all along!"


    As a one-time member of the media,  that's what I'm expecting.    Hope I'm wrong.   Hope we get some praise.    But I'll be a bit surprised if we do....


    Sad to say this was more like waking up Christmas morning and finding a steaming pile under the tree,  Not a good job by the young GM so far.  There is still a little time though...

  5. Sorry I got off on the wrong foot. I didn't think I my initial post about Luck was out of line but I definitely got out of line later. I just meant it's great to have Luck and a shot at multiple rings after Manning laid the foundation with massive regular season success. Indy fans are the greatest as I've seen first hand on many trips. Ok Go Colts today!

  6. So it wasn't your intention to :stir: . When you make off-the-wall / ignorant / wildy confrontational statements about arguably the most beloved figure in franchise history, people are going to flock to it like :mod:. Does this really astonish you? When a poster appears to have bad intentions, people feel free to let go of their social mores.

    Similarly the bold-faced line is so ridiculously that I don't know whether to laugh or cry. (Even ignoring the fact that you likely meant "step-child"). My perspective is a bit different. "I find it interesting that Luck seems to be viewed by some as manna from heaven brought here to salvage a distressed franchise long suffering from the failures of an overpaid dead-weight leader, when in fact we JUST had one of the most extraordinary periods of success in the history of professional sports." The VAST majority of people here are head over heels in love with Luck, and eager to espouse his virtues. Perhaps you are reading the wrong posts, I could link you to several thousand that might make you feel better.

    you just had one of the best regular season runs in professional sports history. Luck offers you a chance at sustained playoff success. My post wasn't confrontational at all.

  7. as will I and in defense of Peyton he should have two rings. Garcon blew the Saints Super Bowl along with what some say brilliant...I say cowardly...onside kick. Peyton does seem to have gotten his jitters under control a bit but we will say how it goes with the Broncos.

    and even then when put in the position of leading the team back in the face of adversity there was an ugly pick 6 to seal the deal.

  8. This

    as will I and in defense of Peyton he should have two rings. Garcon blew the Saints Super Bowl along with what some say brilliant...I say cowardly...onside kick. Peyton does seem to have gotten his jitters under control a bit but we will say how it goes with the Broncos.

  9. and why are people so quick to respond with insults and hatred? It's a discussion board meant for...discussion. I wanted to hear everyone's opinion. These are all opinions. I find it most interesting that Luck seems to be viewed as a "step-dad" in Indy with most of the love currently going to Manning. I have a feeling that will change when Mr. Lombardi becomes a frequent visitor!

  10. Oops, From the "Case against Manning" on down is from Bleacher Report.

    This is basically all I meant. In addition, by saying Luck would have 3 or 4 rings I meant even an average postseason QB would have at least 2 given the same set of circumstances. Luck will likely have better success in the postseason while Manning will have all-time great regular season numbers. I, for one (and it really does seem like I am the only one or one of a few) think the rings are the true judge. Some of Manning's teams could have been better but they were good enough and individuals can, and often do, elevate their teams in the postseason. I like Manning by the way so have mercy! :)

  11. I've heard a lot of talk about Luck stepping into some big shoes and I can't help but think that for all of Manning's greatness he probably underachieved in Indianapolis to a fairly large degree. He was a regular season genius but Luck looks like he's much better suited for the postseason and my expectations for him are much greater than with Manning. If Luck was at the helm during the recent run the Colts probably have 3 or 4 rings. What is the general feeling in Indianapolis about Manning's tenure? All the regular season stats are wonderful but I'm not that thrilled with the one ring.


  12. this

    Over 20 years of pain washed away in a matter of 1 half of football. To be 100% honest, at the time I didn't care in the least if we won the SB or not. We made it..........was all I could feel.

    My most painful memory (memories) is a tie between the 05 Pitt game and the 1995 AFCCG @ Pitt. I was young then, like 23, and when the announcer yelled "HE CAUGHT IT" I leaped from the couch in pure bliss and within a few seconds had crumbled to the floor in anguish.


    this video never gets old. Is Dick Enberg still around?

  13. You guys are reminding me of a lot pain I went through with that 95' game with Pittsburgh AFC championship. My fav was 2007 AFC Championship with the Pats at home for the right to go to Super bowl best game I ever seen.

    The '95 game was severely painful but a source of tremendous pride at the same time. A true display of fight to the finish.

  14. Another favorite was playing at Dallas in '96. Dion Sanders getting tackled from behind by Gardocki with what should have been a punt returned for a touchdown. Rookie Harrison blowing by Sanders during his post route for a Td. Knocked Aikman out of the game (which unfortunately would be the beginning of the end of his carreer) After half time they showed 3 or 4 colts coming to the sideline on crutches. What a battle

    Harrison made Sanders look like a statue on that play.

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