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Old Colt

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Posts posted by Old Colt

  1. I don't freak out about preseason as much as some do but I'd be lying if I said the horrendous tackling doesn't concern me at least a little.

    Special teams tackling was terrible..... gave Bears great Field position...
  2. Robinson continues to impress..... I would put him in behind Gore right now,,, give him a shot with the 1's next week. Have never been a fan of Boom, too many fumbles on too few carries, That said... I didn't see Boom fumble, but was unimpressive and clearly outshined by Robinson. Hasselback... very disappointing... and special teams coverage was pathetic...

    Overall the team looked poorly prepared, sluggish, with poor tackling and blocking. it is preseason, but after,

    game 2, little gain and a long way to go.... mainly depth looks not so good....

  3. I still think he'll only get 60% of the snaps.with 30% going to a back-up like Ballard or Robinson, and 10% to Herron as a change of pace back or situational.  Bell cow his whole life or not, you still want him as fresh as possible in the 4th quarter without letting up on the ground game the first 3 quarters to do so.

    I agree totally.... Herron needs to prove he can hang onto the ball.... his fumbles vs carries was bad.... I think Ballard will surprise us and Gore will have a very good year. Finally a back log at RB and WR, good problem to have!
  4. I don't see how a company can make someone turn over their personal phone....what if they wanted to search his car...his house....interview his family and friends....what if they wanted to cut open his dog to see if he swallowed the phone? At what point does personal property remain personal and how much power should your employer have in gaining access to your personal life. We see all the time that they have right to your company phone/computer etc...but if he answered their questions but refusted to turn over his personal phone...well that may still be seen as cooperating. Most people don't have a lawyer or union to protect them from their company so many would likely comply to prove their innocence....in this case Tom has the legal system to prove his and he may never have to turn over anything. I may think he had more to do with all this but the NFL could easily lose this case depending on the judge. If people must turn over their privacy to play in the league...that could be too far...and the judge may say the NFL has no right. Brady answered your questions no let him play because your proof that he did something improper is weak. Its all possible. Do I think Brady is covering up etc...sure...but that doesn't mean he won't win his appeal.

    The point most miss is that the NFL did not ask for his "Phone". they asked for records of the texts and conversations, after they are reviewed by his attorney, that pertained only to this matter. they did not ask to see all, and gave his attorney's the right to determine which applied to this matter. TB's response..... was to destroy his phone.... he did turn over just the phone numbers...but no context as requested.
  5. We the Commish has finally found his backbone and the Cheaters suspension has been upheld for 4 games; per NFL.com. Now TB can pack his bags to travel to closest Court. Let the Patricheats excuses and crying begin.... this will be fun....

  6. The August 1st Training Camp Date was announced THREE weeks ago!    And it's been pinned at the top of this webpage for all that time.



    I'm cutting and pasting it here so more eyes can see it......


    You can lead a Colts fan to water,  but you can't make them read information.....     :dunno:       :scratch:


    Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:38 PM

    The NFL has put out the off-season workout schedules for all 32 teams....


    I'm simply cutting and pasting the Colts schedule here....




    First Day:  April 20

    OTA Offseason Workouts:  May 18-20, May 26-28, June 1-4

    Mandatory Minicamp:  June 9-11

    Rookie Minicamp:  May 8-10


    Training camp - August 1, 2015

    Anderson, IN

    NEWCOLTFAN ===== Have a Snickers... it's still offseason.

  7. If he is truly healthy now I think he'd be great competition and possibly a starter next year. Hell, can't he play center?

    I was never really on board the "cut Thomas" train because he's a really good player when healthy and at worst he could be a great backup at all 3 interior positions. I know we already have Reitz for that versatile backup but, with our history, I'll take all the line talent we can get.

    I couldn't agree more!  Everyone wants to cut half the roster from last year, but we have to replace those folks, and if you spend the savings on some big name, we will struggle for depth again.  Heaven forbid the BIG name gets hurt.... Thomas has as much upside as anyone if he can stay healthy, has a lot less wear and tear on his body lately too!  Relax everyone, have a snickers....

  8. Donald Thomas is gone, but yeah, our O-line probably is set. We will draft heavily on defense.

    I would be careful before you say Donald Thomas is gone....  actually he is still here.  YOu can't say he is gone until he is relaesed for sure....  unless this is Grigson posting.

  9. I would GLADLY risk the chance for a suspension to not get run over by blount again. seriously, you act like he gets suspended all the time. He had a two game suspension four years ago. I would take that in a heartbeat. We have enough guys getting suspended this year like Walden, Mathis, Landry on top of other players like McNary, both Jacksons, and Bradshaw getting arrested and I don't see anybody saying they don't want them (at least not all of them).

    The main point he is way too expensive.....

  10. You can't target a player that hasn't been released yet. Any type of communication with them would be considered tampering.

    Which means any reports that the Colts are interested in Johnson or Ngata is just speculation to create FA chatter

    Colts have been "reported" to be interested in several players; meanwhile all have been reported in last 2 days to have drifted away and have either resigned (McCourty) or be on their way to another team, with deal waiting only for Tuesday.   Surprise this off season is the Colts lack of signing any real surprises!

  11. Then why did the Colts pass inspection both time? Lets follow your weather theory. The Colts footballs where at the same stadium at the same time in the same conditions so doesn't it stand to reason that there's should lose 2 pounds of preasure as well? For them to pass at halftime they would have had to be inflated above 14 psi which would not have passed initial inspection. Unless if coarse the laws of physics work differently on the Pats side of the feild :-)

    Well put... I screamed the same thing, but most of the talking heads ignore this FACT or pass it off casually.  Along with this, why were the footballs in the 2nd half that the Cheaters used not effected, they were normal PSI at the end of the game.....  the first footbalss went out 10 mins before start and they were off, but the 2nd half Footballs went out at half, were out for the same amount of time as the 1st half footballs, in colder temps actually and more rain, and yet they were still properly inflated.  bill belichick certainly can sling the nonsense about like brady slinging footballs ( and nonsense). 

  12. I propose a simple experiment for everyone on here.


    Take a football and inflate it to 12.5 psi.

    Spray it with a hose until soaked

    Leave it outside overnight

    Bring it inside and let it sit for 2 days

    Measure the new psi

    Results would mean nothing......  Colts use their own balls and all of theirs were tested also.  ALL of them were found to be in the required range.  So why would only the Cheaters balls  be less?  Why all 12 of the cheaters balls are the only ones effected......  NE and Belichick cannot be trusted, ever.

  13. Perhaps he did?

    Luck does not use the NE Cheaters balls... they use their own.  The Colts footballs were inspected and 12 out of 12 were found to be in compliance.  This was reported on the Mike & Mike show.  It also gets rid of the the Pat Cheater fans saying the balls were tested indoors and they lost air in cold outside conditions.  nonsense; theirs were 2 lbs below and the Colts were fine.


    Made no difference in game, no one is saying it did, but just another example of the scum that is Belichick and his team.

  14. Excellent game by Boom.

    Best news is he didn't fumble, but 2.8 yads per attempt is what most were complaining about as TERRIBLE when TRich had those averages, but with Boom, everyone thinks he is a hero...... Interesting.

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