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Old Colt

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Posts posted by Old Colt

  1. If Robinson is still ready to go, release Tipton and put him back on PS....  Bradshaw is solid in pass protection, can catch the ball out of the backfield and understands the bulk of the playbook.....and still has some gas in the tank when healthy... :yahoo:   would be a very nice pick up right now!

  2. Disrespectful?


    Patriots have been money, while we haven't beat anyone worth a darn. Bortles and Hoyer aren't comparable to Brady and the Patriots.


    I'm sorry... that's just the Cold, Hard, Facts.

    I think Colts can put up a respectful effort and game in limiting the run......  that said I expect Brady to fully unleash his frustrations and anger on the Colts and throw for over 500 yds.  with a big smile and wave to the crowd as he leaves...Belichick will leave Brady in the whole game and he will throw for a TD in last 2 minutes, to run up the score....

  3. According to Mike Chappell's tweet which said:


    " Indy media feels more enlightened. Appeared Andrew Luck back to full regime during early portion of practice. No sign of Vontae Davis." 

    Operative word is "Appeared".....  Pagano says Luck was a "limited participant" in practice... that says to me less than a full regiment at practice to me.  Still won't be surprised if he doesn't play... and may be the best thing since game is likely a lost cause and we have several tough games in a row, and they are at least possible wins, which the Colts will critically need.

  4. We may have more talent (without Luck, it's a draw), but this team literally has no heart. Pep doesn't know what he's doing, Pagano just doesn't care anymore, and the players are following the coach's example. Very few people seem to care on this Colts team anymore. 

    How do you like your crow......  well done or rare? :scratch:

  5. It starts with the pass rush. Hoyer had all day to throw. Not many CBs can cover for that long. We need an elite pass rusher.

    Pass rush, or lack of, did not give up the Hail Mary at the end of the half and did not blow the coverage to give up the TD in 2nd half.... NO ONE in the secondary was even looking at Strong...  pass rush was poor, but the secondary was just as bad.... both deserve a D- or F at best!

  6. This season isn't fun.

    Maybe a high draft choice next April.......  the way we are starting and with the schedule coming up....  is it too early to start the OL or Defense debate on that choice.  if we lose tonight, 9 -7 for this year will be a long shot (NE, Denver, Pitt, Atlanta, Carolina).  Likely all new staff next year, if not before, Coach, GM, Coordinators....

  7. This is 100% GRIGSONs fault.  If you have NO OFFENSIVE LINE (did anyone else see the little display ESPN did showing how many O-lineman at each position in the past 3 years?  Inexcusable!!!!) you can't do anything else on offense.  


    Pagano will be a scapegoat for Grison and Irsay.  Ack!  Luck has regressed, but I think he's shell shocked.  The Colts are ruining the greatest young football player right in front of our eyes.  

    Pagano shares blame too.  Team looks soft, lack of discipline, (penalties) and unprepared to play.  The Jets and Bills are NOT super bowl contenders (look at how the Patriots played against the Bills).... he is the head coach, not the GM and he knew that when he took the job.  if he wanted all the power of the coach and GM then he shouldn't have taken the job.  both need to DO THEIR JOB and quite acting like 3 year olds.....

  8. Subtle shot at Grigs leaving Luck on an Island for 3 years. I like it cause he is finally speaking the truth in a presser.

    If it is really a shot at Grigs, then I am very disappointed in Pagano... he is acting like a 3 year old.  Irsay needs to sit them both down and say this nonsense stops here and if it doesn't, get rid of them both.  Let's face it, not likely colts are going anywhere this year, they will win the division and be done unless there is a Festavis Miracle.    Colts are looking like the 49ers from last year.  This is sad and pathetic at the same time.  Pagano is not innocent, team is still unprepared, lack focus and discipline.  Penalties, fumbles, etc.   

  9. Infinite number of "the sky is falling" threads. I'm going to stay away from them, and get on with my life. Yes, I'm disappointed, but I remember going 0-2 last year, and we came real close. Not worried. Not worried at all.


    Might want to worry a bit... this team was unprepared to play, looked soft, confused (including Luck) and were badly outcoached. They had the whole offseason and preseason to prepare for this game, Buffalo did, Colts didn't. For a team that needs home field in the playoffs, they didn't look like they were ready at all. This looks all too familiar....

  10. I see very little positive, other than it is just week one and one game. The Colts looked soft, and unprepared. Perhaps plying some more in preseason would help... the injuries came anyway and we didn't look like we were in football shape. Even Luck looked off. This team has a lot to improve or this season will be over before we now it. Very sad, but a lot has to go back to the coaches, Pagano just didn't have tem prepared, we were definitely out coached.


    Why do so many people fail to accept this?


    It was GOODELL, months after the fact, that decided to punish Brady for that.


    You know, Goodell, that man that MOST of you ripped apart for fumbling the Ray Rice situation, but somehow he's a champion of virtue now.


    And, by the way, the NFL was given the phones of all Patriot employees that were not players, since the players were part of the union.


    So sorry, the NFL had those texts. 

    They wanted the texts that were relevant, from the phone, as chosen by Brady and his attorney.  If he is innocent then that was a simple request.  it isn't his direction to the ball boys to deflate the balls that is being tried, it is his lack of cooperation, smashing your phone, not answering what is asked for by a investigation that your Union and you Mr. Pretty Boy Brady signed of on is not the act of an innocent man (or Pretty boy either). 

  12. Maybe Goodell should of fined Brady 100k, no?   You know kind of like the 50K fine the NFL gave Farve.  Or the no suspension no fine that was imposed on the Saints players after it was reversed on appeal. 

    Let's see, how many games was the Saints Coach, head coach, Payton, suspended for being Generally aware of what was going on?   A WHOLE SEASON,... Brady needs to own up, he destroyed his phone, he knew it was involved in the matter.  If he was free and clear, honest, ( I hesitate to use that word and Brady in the same sentence) then he should have run with his phone to prove it... in fact they didn't want his phone, only the relevant texts as picked out by his attorney and himself.  IF you are innocent, why do you act so guilty...

  13. Good. If the glove don't fit, you must acquit :)


    There wasn't much ground to stand on for the league, obviously. Regardless of what I believe happened, if they could not prove it, the league got what it deserved.


    I for one, along with other fans and Pats fans am glad it is over with and we can continue with football.

    Brady is a joke, he deserved punishment for not cooperating....smashing his phone when he knew it was critical in this case....not the sign of a truthful man, but that of a spoiled child.  Court was wrong, hopefully NFL will appeal and they subpoena both Brady's info and those text from the club house folks involved.  CBA is effectively void, this will hurt the players long term and they can thank Brady!  The deflator....lol.... weight loss....what a joke

  14. I'd be less concerned about special teams right now because our special teams guys are the second stringers on defense and offense right now.  I think the special teams will work themselves out once the Colts get into the season.  Pagano has always had a pretty good special teams unit in his time here other than maybe the returner spot.

    Doesn't matter if they are second stringers... they are likely the ones that will be playing special teams come the regular season... not the first stingers... the first few special team coverage chances the Colts were terrible... set the Bears up in great field position the whole first half. combine that and terrible tackling and you

    have a formula for a loss.. something they better fix.....fast!

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