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Old Colt

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Posts posted by Old Colt

  1. 3 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    he lead the league in yardage last year


    this year he is playing with a very young qb that doesnt know the system yet

    The bulk of his yards last year came against below average teams, he disappeared against anyone with a reasonable secondary.  Same this year, but he has dropped more passes and disappeared against most secondaries.  But in his defense, he is good at pointing fingers....  

  2. 9 hours ago, Nesjan3 said:

    so Obviously the Colts are kind of a dumpster fire this year but seriously we all kind of knew this and here are all the things we have to look forward to next year.Feel free to add subtract anything you feel appropriate!

    *Chuck Pagano will be fired

    *Clean House

    *Top 5 Pick in the Draft


    *Ballard is building a solid team



    Really?  Not convinced of it yet..... I believe he will, but this is his defense, all new with exception of V Davis  We will have to see, but his 1st major mistake was keeping Pagano.  He should have known and if Irsay said he had to keep him, CB may have been better off to look elsewhere.

  3. If we are young, might as well make Mathis Head coach for the rest of the season.  He has some skin in the game, being a former Colt player, and maybe would light a fire under some of these guys.  I am really disappointed in Ballard too.  Where is he at, he may be a GM, but coaches are his responsibility too.  when we see a disaster like yesterday, he needs to take a stand and either fire the coach or take more control of the team.  March into the locker room at halftime and tell them they are playing for their contract as of now, maybe send a few out the door right there and tell them the rest will follow if they don't step up and play with some effort.  Effort was sorely lacking yesterday.  He made an example of Dwayne Allen, time to do it again and bigger.  Send Hilton packing,  Practice squad won't do much worse...

  4. 6 minutes ago, indy1888 said:

    Listening to JMV "drop off line sports" on facebook. Says he has been told that Pagano will be fired fwiw. He cites lack of fan interest as the primary reason after yesterdays debacle.  Colts are worried they are losing the fanbase.

    Losing the fanbase, they are gone and out the door.... Games are embarrassing.  :Nuke:

  5. Doesn't matter... the problem was Chuck was just on sideline,  clapping and handing out atta boys, and get them next time.  the team shows no fight because Chuckie shows none... he needs to get in someones face and fight for a call, for this team, for his job.  Instead he just pats guys on head and chops wood.  the obvious facemask of JB and he just lets it slide.  We were in row 10 behind the bench, Gore and JB were upset and nothing from Chuck.. Get mad.. challenge the refs, the team, get tossed but stop being just a spectator. If you won't fight for the team, they won't fight for you, and it appears that has happened from the players side.  we have enough cheerleaders..:hissy:

  6. 9 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    95% of Labrum tears are Superior, or Anterior.  Posterior Labrum repairs really are more difficult to return to complete form from.  And take longer. But to me, this is still just a temporary setback.  One I hoped he would avoid, but was always a possibility.  So many negative Nancy's out there.

    And last Place in the AFC South is something to be positive about.....  Pagano hadn't even seen Luck throw just a few weeks ago (what was Pags doing then, head still in the sand) and Luck has only had 4 practices in 2 weeks, with the practice squad, limited to 5 or 6 reps at each and now this....  +++++ so many thigs to be positive about!

  7. 6 hours ago, snkdy said:

    Was hoping the Jags would lose too. But we're definitely still in it. 

    What team are you watching... our 2 wins came against 2 teams with a combined record of ZERO WINS.  How many more of those teams do the Colts have left to play?

  8. On 10/4/2017 at 3:22 PM, GusFring said:

    Everyone, including the qb coach threw harder that Andrew. Looks like he's still a long way from where he was. 

    Not sure he could be even a peanut vendor and throw bags of peanuts at this point.... end of October or early November, he may be back.  he is off today, so one day at practice and a day off....

  9. DD is quoting on his show that he is looking at returning in 3 - 6 weeks..... why did  the coaches feel the need to lie on Luck and his condition.  That alone is enough to to question any loyalty to the team when they blatantly lie to the fans...  The cloak and dagger stuff isn't helping or hurting another team that much.... and if they say they expected back sooner, then they have terrible evaluation skills from the medical side too....  fits this team though.

  10. 17 hours ago, VaAllDay757 said:

    If luck ain't practicing this week someone needs to be fired

    We need the Coaches and Ballard to quit lying about Luck.... these games of secrecy they are playing give the rest of the team cover for playing badly.  if the WR's continue to play without effort and drop passes, having Luck back makes no difference.  Pagano has lost this team, they are coasting, from OL to WR..  How many times did the defense or someone make a stupid play and Pagano immediately puts his arm around them and consoles them... "here's a cookie and trophy, good try"  instead of lighting a fire under them,  We have cheerleaders, we need coaches!

  11. 12 hours ago, AustexColt said:

    Thanks for starting JB under center. Please give him all the snaps going forward. I see a future QB in JB. He has strong leadership qualities and I sensed that the entire offense resonated well with him as their QB. It will be amazing when he gets the timing down with our WRs.   

    It will be amazing when the WR's catch passes that are catch-able balls.  Even the TV talking heads said that you have to help out a new or young QB and the WR's for the Colts did nothing to help....  other than Doyle they were bad.

  12. The cloak and dagger secrecy of this staff is my biggest problem.  You can't trust a word they say....  OK, so the next team knows Luck isn't going to play against them, the other 53 players are going to play.  The games and outright LIES that Pagano and unfortunately CB continue to play are a middle finger to the fans and the rest of the Colts.  It is like they are saying that the rest can't win without Luck, even if it is true, you should treat the other players better.   :angry:

  13. 11 hours ago, Smitto said:

    I would much rather Philbin over Chud thats for sure. However I don't see it happening, unless of course the season is actually as bad as that Rams game.... Then maybe it does happen. 

    Philbin to hold the spot until the end of this dumpster fire and meanwhile work on Gruden to come in after the season and clean house.... 

  14. 16 minutes ago, DaColts85 said:

    If you are trying to refer to when we hired Chris Ballard it was January 29, and officially announced on January 30th.

    not referring to CB..... he is only bright spot.  just picking a date at the end of last season... hopefully CB can put out the fire in the dumpster, but it could take a couple years.

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