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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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Meaning the Pats would give us a first round pick to make us whole despite the fact the game was a romp, we still got cheated on in the championship game.


except that's not how it works.  if a pick is taken away, its just a lost pick, no one gets it.


2nd no chance in hell it'll be a 1st rounder.  Spygate was a 1st rounder

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I'll tell you what. We'll only count the points the Pats scored with confirmed legal balls.

Pats 28

Colts 7


I see this pop up among Patriot supporters a lot. Colts fans know we were beat, regardless of deflation. What we ARE questioning is was the integrity of the game violated, how many other games did the Pats do this in, and would this have happened in the Superbowl if we hadn't said anything? As for Pats fans saying we're butt-hurt for reporting this, would you rather we not have said anything? When there is a crime, do you not report it to the authorities? The Colts were just doing our part to keep the integrity of the game alive. Don't hate them for that.

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except that's not how it works.  if a pick is taken away, its just a lost pick, no one gets it.


2nd no chance in hell it'll be a 1st rounder.  Spygate was a 1st rounder

Yes spygate was a first rounder, this is the second offense so assume the punishment for this will be just as bad or worse. It's not out of the realm of possibility the colts are awarded for whistleblowing on the Pats and playing an invalid championship game.

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No it doesnt. Because there are two parts of these issues.


1. The action itself, which I havent defended once.


2. The advantage gained.


I myself choose to believe that it gave the team a huge advantage. I listen to what other people in the game say about it, former players/coaches etc....and I form an opinion. Other may disagree and that's fine...that's why it's called an opinion. In none of my posts have I said something along the lines of 'hahah look at all our Championships I dont care how we got them we are the best regardless sucks to be you!!!' All I've said is that the Championships will remain in the record books, the banners are not coming down, and I as a lifelong fan won't let anything ruin the way I felt watching the team win those championships. 


I don't think that's an unfair perspective, is it?

Not an unfair perspective at all, makes you the poster boy of a pats* fan...

legitimizes the stereotype...

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Yes spygate was a first rounder, this is the second offense so assume the punishment for this will be just as bad or worse. It's not out of the realm of possibility the colts are awarded for whistleblowing on the Pats and playing an invalid championship game.

The colts won't get the pick. The pats may lose one though

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No it doesnt. Because there are two parts of these issues.


1. The action itself, which I havent defended once.


2. The advantage gained.


I myself choose to believe that it gave the team a huge advantage. I listen to what other people in the game say about it, former players/coaches etc....and I form an opinion. Other may disagree and that's fine...that's why it's called an opinion. In none of my posts have I said something along the lines of 'hahah look at all our Championships I dont care how we got them we are the best regardless sucks to be you!!!' All I've said is that the Championships will remain in the record books, the banners are not coming down, and I as a lifelong fan won't let anything ruin the way I felt watching the team win those championships. 


I don't think that's an unfair perspective, is it?


Hmmm...not sure how you can enjoy then knowing that (in your own admitted opinion) the team had a huge advantage winning those championships because of illicit methods. That's absolutely mind boggling to me. Look, if I (a fan) were to learn that the Colts cheated to win the Bears in their most recent Super Bowl and it was proven to be true it would absolutely unequivocally tarnish my feelings of the win and what I think of those involved and would absolutely negatively impact my fan-ship with the team.


I mean...I'm just left without words here to explain how that can possibly be.

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So then you would be fine then that after all of its investigation, the NFL indicates that we found out that the balls were altered after the game started and that we have issued a warning to the pats and want to emphasize that teams should not manipulate the air pressure in the balls up or down.


My impression from your first post was that you were one of the ones that wanted something more than just a warning.

No.  You have created a false moral equivalence - teams in one game were both doing something that was were not allowed, but from my limited understanding were not under a specific rule.  They stopped after being warned.  End of issue.  The league reminded all teams that it was not allowed and the season proceeded.  If one of those teams or other teams again do the same infraction the league needs to look at it and perhaps enforce a penalty or write a specific rule to point to.  


The Patriots broke a very detailed, specified, long-standing rule, in a way designed to deceive the officials and the other team and gain an advantage for themselves.  IF it is shown to have been executed after the referees certified their balls for use it is an intentional act of sabotage.  The level of deceit and manipulation for that kind of behavior makes it a much higher level infraction worthy of greater punishment.


A "leader" of a team that allows such a thing to be done stands fully accountable for it.  NOTHING like this would be done without the coach's approval, knowledge or in his control in the sense that he should have had knowledge and control.  The same as the Saint's issue.  


The playoffs are sacrosanct in my book.  They should throw the highest possible penalty against the team up to and including the coach being banned from this Superbowl and if it develops that they have been doing this all year long as seems to be coming out - he should serve a one year ban.  Any further cheating and he should be banned from the NFL for life.  That's how serious I take this.   

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That's interesting. IIRC, you don't think Spygate gave the team much of an advantage, right?

I think it's pretty clear that he is directly saying that YES it did give the team a huge advantage yet doesn't tarnish the feelings of the championship (see my previous response for more detail there)

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Two players had their hands on these deflated balls  each and every snap.


The Center, and Brady.


I find it very hard to believe that neither one of them were aware of the difference,     :hmm:  :scratch:


Something very fishy and wrong about the entire situation.

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If these allegations are true, Belichick should be AT LEAST suspended for the Super Bowl.

If Robert Kraft had any moral compass he would terminate Belichick's contract but he doesn't so I won't hold my breath.

You're going to have 31 angry owners this summer that will want this to happen.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2015 - give me a break
Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2015 - give me a break

I already buried that weak deflection of an argument. Just because you keep using it doesn't make it any stronger.

YOU are SO AWESOME that I dedicate these Barbra Streisand lyrics to you.  Congrats!


Baby I can fly like a bird

When you touch me with your eyes

Flying through the sky

I've never felt the same

But I am not a bird and I am not a plane

I'm Superman

When you love me it's easy

I can do almost anything

Watch me turn around, one wing up and one wing down

I never thought I could fall in love for good

I'm Superman

When you love me it's easy

My sweet life has just begun

I'm in love this time

And I know I have it

Fell into my life so I grabbed it

There's nothing I can do

When I'm with you

I'm Superman

Cause I'm with you

It's easy

My sweet life has just begun

I'm in love this time

And I know I have it

Fell into my life so I grabbed it

There's nothing I can do

Cause I'm with you

I'm Superman


So, you can use your awesome SUPERPOWERS as you see fit, Mr. "Superman".  YOU are AWESOME in your own mind!  Congratulations!

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2015 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2015 - quoting removed post

YOU are SO AWESOME that I dedicate these Barbra Streisand lyrics to you. Congrats!

Baby I can fly like a bird

When you touch me with your eyes

Flying through the sky

I've never felt the same

But I am not a bird and I am not a plane

I'm Superman

When you love me it's easy

I can do almost anything

Watch me turn around, one wing up and one wing down

I never thought I could fall in love for good

I'm Superman

When you love me it's easy

My sweet life has just begun

I'm in love this time

And I know I have it

Fell into my life so I grabbed it

There's nothing I can do

When I'm with you

I'm Superman

Cause I'm with you

It's easy

My sweet life has just begun

I'm in love this time

And I know I have it

Fell into my life so I grabbed it

There's nothing I can do

Cause I'm with you

I'm Superman

So, you can use your awesome SUPERPOWERS as you see fit, Mr. "Superman". YOU are AWESOME in your own mind! Congratulations!

Super lame.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2015 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2015 - quoting removed post

YOU are SO AWESOME that I dedicate these Barbra Streisand lyrics to you.  Congrats!


Baby I can fly like a bird

When you touch me with your eyes

Flying through the sky

I've never felt the same

But I am not a bird and I am not a plane

I'm Superman

When you love me it's easy

I can do almost anything

Watch me turn around, one wing up and one wing down

I never thought I could fall in love for good

I'm Superman

When you love me it's easy

My sweet life has just begun

I'm in love this time

And I know I have it

Fell into my life so I grabbed it

There's nothing I can do

When I'm with you

I'm Superman

Cause I'm with you

It's easy

My sweet life has just begun

I'm in love this time

And I know I have it

Fell into my life so I grabbed it

There's nothing I can do

Cause I'm with you

I'm Superman


So, you can use your awesome SUPERPOWERS as you see fit, Mr. "Superman".  YOU are AWESOME in your own mind!  Congratulations!

You are terrible in everyone's mind. I feel like I lose braincells reading your tripe.

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Look, if in College you were found to be actively cheating on an exam you were disqualified immediately from the exam and subject to academic disciplinary action OR if you were found to have been caught cheating (post) the exam the same rules apply.


Not sure why the NFL isn't simple like it is in the aforementioned situation and applied here and in all cases alike.

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Certainly not caught. Especially twice. Hey, im with ya. I just can't imagine goodell will do much other than a fine and maybe a suspension.

the backlash, the multiple offenses, and the fact its a championship game makes this a no-win for goodell. he's going to have to come down hard on his BFF, the NFL is SO lucky and relieved that 1. sunday's game was a blowout and 2. this wasn't the Superbowl but the public opinion is already awful.

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Brady had a hand in this - he should be DQd from the NEXT 6 games which includes the SB!

And I dont buy for a second that they replaced the balls at half time ... I think that's the NFL trying to cover up the story / minimize the importance of it. If it hadnt been for Kravitz this entire thing might have been swept under a rug!

Further IMO a score of 45-7 vs 21-20 game - one could argue that the balls played a much bigger role in the former than in the later. Easier to throw, easier to catch, easier to grasp as s runner ... easier easier easier.

Would Boom have caught the long pass early in the game if we had balls that were 2 lbs less? If he catches that ball the entire game could have played out differently. Who knows what role humiliation played in the final outcome - I have little personal doubt that many of the Colts players were dejected most if not all of the second half!

This Pats team Cheated and it should be penalized - NOT next years teams with a slap on the wrist! Clearly the Pats dont care about draft picks - they will simply take a scrub teach him to cheat and continue to win at any cost ...

The league needs to address this NOW not after the SB!

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If you cheat on a test or any assignment at West Pointe, what is the consequence?  You are gone.  Period.


Seems rather harsh until you realize what is on the line.  You cheat and don't learn what you need to to lead men into battle you get someone killed.  If you cheat on one thing you will cheat on others and your word will become untrustworthy.


Now, cheating in the NFL isn't going to get someone killed.  But it will impact their livelihood and future lives.  


It doesn't matter IF it impacted the outcome, the Patriots cheated BEFORE they knew the outcome.  They didn't have enough confidence in their own skills and ability to trust their players to win within the rules.  


If this is confirmed to be true (and again I insert that it is still in process of discovery), there is no penalty too harsh.  I would love to see them forfeit the game and the Colts go to the Superbowl.  You cheat - you don't win, period.  It would be a long time before someone else would try that kind of shenanigan and be willing to pay that high of a price.  

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If you cheat on a test or any assignment at West Pointe, what is the consequence?  You are gone.  Period.


Seems rather harsh until you realize what is on the line.  You cheat and don't learn what you need to to lead men into battle you get someone killed.  If you cheat on one thing you will cheat on others and your word will become untrustworthy.


Now, cheating in the NFL isn't going to get someone killed.  But it will impact their livelihood and future lives.  


It doesn't matter IF it impacted the outcome, the Patriots cheated BEFORE they knew the outcome.  They didn't have enough confidence in their own skills and ability to trust their players to win within the rules.  


If this is confirmed to be true (and again I insert that it is still in process of discovery), there is no penalty too harsh.  I would love to see them forfeit the game and the Colts go to the Superbowl.  You cheat - you don't win, period.  It would be a long time before someone else would try that kind of shenanigan and be willing to pay that high of a price.  

So now you are comparing this to the military? You are really on a roll today ...

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Brady had a hand in this - he should be DQd from the NEXT 6 games which includes the SB!

 I have to believe he did too.  He handled those each and every snap.  He and the Center.  There's no way they didn't know.


And then for Brady to laugh about it when asked, and be so dang arrogant, and trying to make a mockery out of the Colts, is just plain pathetic.

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If you cheat on a test or any assignment at West Pointe, what is the consequence?  You are gone.  Period.


Seems rather harsh until you realize what is on the line.  You cheat and don't learn what you need to to lead men into battle you get someone killed.  If you cheat on one thing you will cheat on others and your word will become untrustworthy.


Now, cheating in the NFL isn't going to get someone killed.  But it will impact their livelihood and future lives.  


It doesn't matter IF it impacted the outcome, the Patriots cheated BEFORE they knew the outcome.  They didn't have enough confidence in their own skills and ability to trust their players to win within the rules.  


If this is confirmed to be true (and again I insert that it is still in process of discovery), there is no penalty too harsh.  I would love to see them forfeit the game and the Colts go to the Superbowl.  You cheat - you don't win, period.  It would be a long time before someone else would try that kind of shenanigan and be willing to pay that high of a price.  



I'd not like the Colts to be auto-promoted to the Super Bowl. Personally IMO I think if for any CRAZY reason the Patriots were revoked (which again is unlikely) then it would be nice to see Baltimore and Indy battle the AFCCG for the rights to go. That'd be the way I prefer it....again should it happen (which it wont).

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I have to believe he did too. He handled those each and every snap. He and the Center. There's no way they didn't know.

And then for Brady to laugh about it when asked, and be so dang arrogant, and trying to make a mockery out of the Colts, is just plain pathetic.

Not to mention he made fun of harbaugh for not knowing the rulebook last week

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