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Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum


Lets Hear it! Colt Fans!

All I can say is I'm truly EXCITED!!! About the coming year!!! No matter, win some lose some. I'm so EXCITED about it my neck hurts from doing flips that I know good and well at my age I shouldn't be doing, But what the HEY!!! That's what you do when your as EXCITED AS ME!! And does anyone besides me here see why we can't beat the Bears and Vikings to start this year off 2-0!!? So if you are Really Really a Colts Fan EXCITED about it like me!!! Lets hear a SHOUT!!! GIVE ME A CCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!



My personal message to the NFL

I live Football 24/7, love the NFL network, and even the opinions thrown out there by the past pros. Yeah, I know, we aren't the Rex pony show. Nor do we have the most players with MUG shots. We also don't have an owner that drops bags of cash at the strip clubs. We may not have controversy, in-infighting, the all about me's, the hold-outs, or the bounty's. We don't need your sympathy, please reserve that for Tampa, Arizona, or, even, the Dream Team ( yeah right). We may not star in the most co



Work in Progress!

Been enjoying reading recent entries,an feel ya all, but the New era will be a progression that can't be rushed. Instead done with great planning, and thats what i see taking place. Very encouraging about this team.Hopefully this era will a Team thats focused and very successful!

David Dunbar

David Dunbar

The COLTS are a H-----

Real deal, dominator, inexplicable, one of the most NFL ready QB'S ever. Why Andrew even made the top 50 list : The Top 50 players in the NFL to build your Franchise around: coming in at #7 ( Lucky number, just sayin). Hey, remember, the Pre-season does'nt count. The Pre-season a time to smile , ( I know I am). I remember just a few short months ago that 48 hour's I could'nt speak because of that #18 thing. Oh by the way, 2 INTS in the first half, no worries PM, remember, pre-season.... I sure a



second impression

I tried to not make too much out of the last game and pre season as a whole, but for now, that's all we have to go on, so............. Playing the Steelers, in Pittsburg, would be a way better guage, then playing the Rams, in Indy Andrew Luck- I ranked him in the top 10 after last weeks game, with experience the only thing keeping him out of the top 5 Qb's in the NFL he's played 2 games, time for a promotion....I knew he was going to be special, but wasn't quite expecting this, this soon. The pi



Home Opener Tickets up for Grabs!

We're giving away two tickets to every home game this season! You must be a member to enter, click here to join. Now Open! Home Opener! Week 2 Vikings@Colts Sun, 09/16 at 1:00 PM EDT Click Here to Enter! Congrats to our winner for the Bengals tix: pzman04!



Colts are at Steelers!

On naional tv on NBC TV at 8pm est. As Sunday Night Football crew are there. Andrew Luck to get a better audience look. To show what he can do. And why he is the Colts face of the future, becomes the FACE OF NOW!



Colts Training Camp Autograph Aggravation

I want to start by saying this was my Aggravation. Let me know if you feel the same. I work a very nice Schedule I work Saturdays Sundays and Mondays then im off the rest of the week. For the past 2 weeks I went to every practice. I was there when they opened till they closed. At the end of practice I would make my way down for autographs. Only to be surrounded by a crowd of people pushing in to get Andrew Lucks Auto. Thats where my aggravation starts. I never did get Andrew's autograph in



Your first responsibility of membership is to read, understand and abide by the code of conduct.

I've been updating/clarifying our rules and thought this was a good time to remind everyone that as a member, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for abiding by the rules. The single best guideline to posting here is to be civil to one another. For the sake a clarity though, I've highlighted some important rules for posting here below. The full version is here Please note that moderators issue warnings for rule violations. Generally, these are 'verbal' warnings with a 1 point value. Points go away over time



Colts Direct?

Okay so I haven't been on here for awhile, but I book marked this site to go to my page on "Colts Direct" so I try to go there and BAM! 404 error this page doesn't exist... ummm okay so I had to make a new page because I guess I don't remember my old user name. Now your probably wondering why I'm writing this type of thing in here, well that would be because I don't know how to make a status update, unless that is only if you go through Facebook; well anyways I'm back and Super PUMPED!!! for the



Colts season without Peyton Mannning

I am an Indianapolis native born and raised and have been a loyal fan ever since we got the Colts, but after what Irsay did to Manning I hope they loose every game and go back to how bad they sucked before Manning and after he was injured. Peyton will shine in Denver and has many seasons left in him... Andrew luck shined in an Ivy league program but he is playing with the big dogs now and when the real season starts he'll be running for his life every play. Mod Edit for Personal Shot: Do not

Ex Colts Fan

Ex Colts Fan

Taking Care of Business

Taking Care of Business. The Colts were “taking care of business” early and often on Sunday. Taking Care of Business is the new scoring celebration song at Lucas Oil and it was fun hearing it played so much. (Which makes me wonder, who decides on the music that is played in the stadium?) And the Colts did take care of business. It was a very enjoyable game, even though statistically it was meaningless. And after last year, it was nice watching an offense that could put points on the board.

Chris Wood

Chris Wood

Manning v Luck, Fan v Fan, Zax v Zax

I am a Dr. Suess fan and can recite many of his stories word for word. And sometimes, on these boards, the story of the Zax comes to mind. In "The Zax", a north-going Zax and a south-going Zax meet face to face. Because they stubbornly refuse to move east, west, or any direction except their respective headings around each other, the two Zax become stuck. The Zax stand so long that eventually a highway overpass is built around them, and the story ends with the Zax still standing there "unbudged



Am I on a power trip?

I get asked this question from time to time, as do the other moderators..........and always by someone who has been issued a warning for violating site rules. So I thought I'd just answer here. The answer is no. None of us enjoys issuing warnings to members. We would all far prefer that everybody post in a civil way all the time with no need for anything from moderation. Why aren't we nicer about asking people to comply with the rules? This is another question we get asked. (Usually this is



First impression

For the first time in a looooooooooong time, I watched a Colts game and really wasn't sure what I would see. To say there are questions that need to be answered would be a major understatement. I really think scores of pre season games shouldn't even be counted, that's how meaningless it is, it's always better to win any game than to lose, but if a team doesn't accomplish what they need to accomplish, what's the point? I saw about what I expected to see............ Offense: I would say Luck one



Welcome to Luck-as Oil.........

Right outta Hollywood, a nice pitch to Donald Brown, and away he goes for that 63 yard TD. 4 Possessions, 3 TD'S not bad. The last such blow out was back in 1966 against WA. So what do we have here?? A little DAZZLE, with a side of Destroy?? Hold them horses boys, reality check, it was the RAMS... What is the media sayin... well coached, and, continues to be the least penalized team in the NFL. With a QB rating of 142.6 it could be a great year.. And to the sold out crowd at Luck-as Oil, you wou



My First Colts GameDay

From the moment I woke up, I knew it was going to be a busy morning. I woke up and immediately ran my customary five miles; returned home and cleaned up just in time to watch the gold medal men's Olympics basketball game. In truth, I'm not a fan of any of the players on that U.S. team, but I am a huge fan of my country. I also happen to be a fan of several of Spain's players so, all in all, it was nice to see a competitive game. That contest went rather quickly, ending at just over 9 a.m. (I'm o



Preseason whiners

For those that say 'preseason doesn't matter, I quote Mark Schlereth; "It may not COUNT, but it DOES matter. Many players get their starts because they got to shine in preseason, including myself." Quote ME on this: For a team that went 2-14 the year before, overhauled the coaching staff as well as most of the team, including the loss of future Hall of Fame QB and offensive genius Peyton Manning, has MANY rookies as starters, and has struggled to maintain a loyal fanbase...it DOES matter. You



Luck Era Begins!

Sure this is pre-season. But see how good Andrew looked today. As he seems to be at ease. In only his first unofficial game. The fans seem so far to be pleased. One pre-season game down, three more to go before the regular season opens up.



There is no looking back

In two days, the Indianapolis Colts take the field in their first game against real competition. Even though it is preseason, it is still the maiden event for what has become a completely revamped franchise. One would have to draw some very sketchy comparisons to find a team historically that has changed so many aspects in just one off-season. In review, this franchise lost it's franchise QB to injury and that loss was followed by poor team play, questionable coaching decisions, head scratching



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