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  1. Yes agree on both, but JT isn't a power back per se....the pile mover I'm talking about when teams are closing out the game and the D knows you are running. That's another convo. But AR should benefit from more JT touches during the majority of the game. Increasing TOP would get AR more passing plays.
  2. The NFL is a passing league. Running is for killing the clock, for which you need to have a running game/RB powerful enough to run the ball when the opposing D knows you are going to run the ball. Teams don't really need a big play running game. That is a separate issue from ARs play. Since last year was a throw away year that followed a 4-12 season to focus on ARs development , that we did not get, this year should be that year. Why would there be any complaints about that? But, there needs to be better time of possession so AR can get more reps, not because we should be winning games in a season where we still don't have good enough personnel to contend for anything beyond a weak AFC South division title.
  3. BTW, the reason the Bears lost to Indy was because of Latu's strip sack. It allowed our offense to score on a short field and put the game out of reach. Its was 14-9 at the time and the way the game was flowing with CHI offense vs our D, it's likely CHI would have went ahead late in the 4th. Plays like Latu's factor into both sides of every WL record, so its not an excuse. Williams was making good plays as the game wore on to offset some bad plays early, but AR' bad plays out weighed the normal/good by a good margin.
  4. Most will point out Levis' 5 year history of playing that way and will assume its rooted there forever. But experience is not the same thing as maturity, and 24 year old males aren't always mature yet, especially if they make SM videos and like their muscles. He can grow out of that as a human, which probably influences his play. But Wentz never stopped being wild, so maybe Levis doesn't either. A forum narrative that's simply wrong, IMO, is comparing AR to Josh Allen. No. Josh Allen's biggest problem was similar excitable boneheaded mistakes that resulted in big negative plays or turnovers that cost his team games. But, he had all of the tools coming in. He improved his accuracy and slowly eliminated the negative dumb plays mid way through his second season. All the tools coming in but boneheaded plays means that Levis compares to Allen probably better than does AR, IMO.. Levis is just a bit smaller and not as strong armed, but Allen is a unicorn QB in the physicality department.
  5. I didn't want Levis. I was QB agnostic after CAR had already traded up to 1 and I knew Stroud would not be there at 4. Stroud was my favorite and I said so, particularly in the face of everybody wanting a running QB and not the most drop back-ish looking QB. Their misplaced criteria, not mine. I've told you this before. It must be that your subconscious keeps driving you to forget that I tell you in order to justify some emotion based beef you have with me. Others read stuff into my posts too, to satisfy their idea of what somebody who writes untrendy opinions must be thinking. As far as Levis, I said before the draft and still now, he has all of the tools and can make all of the throws right now, but he plays like Wentz 2.0. If he would eliminate the bone-head mistakes, he would probably be a top 15 QB. Its probably easier to shed bad mistakes if they are driven by youthful impatience and immaturity than it is to teach a QB how to throw a football at an NFL level, but that doesn't mean I want Levis. Nor does it mean I think he is a better prospect than AR. What it means is that I was not thrilled with either QB, but would support whomever the Colts took. And supporting the Colts QB does not mean I need to bag on Levis, especially making fun of him for stuff that doesn't matter like mayo or his muscles. I can point out when Levis does well, and that doesn't mean I think he's better than AR nor does it mean I wish the Colts drafted him. Also, if I say that AR sucks, its because I don't let my eyes lie to my brain simply because I want to feel happy and optimistic...and then lash out at others when they don't help me maintain the charade I need. Stroud-Yes. Levis-meh. AR-meh, Young-No, is what I said before the draft, and still do now, Except that I hope that AR puts it together because he's the Colt. REMEMBER THAT! Thanks.
  6. I think this entire season is about getting AR to the point where we break the ceiling of Division winner contender. The focus should be on watching AR get better, and not so much focused on winning a game, the W/L record, or getting both happy then disappointed at Division standing. Getting over your skis just leads to a huge crash, and the forum readers have to read both sides of that drama.
  7. Huh? I expect him to be here in 2025 (like Ballard and Shane even if we go 3-14). I expected last year to be a throw away season because AR had to play his rookie season despite sucking. But he only played 4 games, so this is the year he has to play while sucking. You think 4 games last year, like early in the year, means he takes a step...at all? Why don't you go get easily triggered and lash out at folks on another forum and stop taking every post that has reason in it like its an affront to the phony positivity bubbles that a person must live in to post here.
  8. You seem to be triggered today. Just remember, of the hundreds of posts during the summer and the first three games so far that complained about the secondary, called Shane a bad coach because he's relying upon AR to be an actual QB, and called for Ballard's firing because of the string of Division Winner ceiling teams he's produced......I haven't written one of those posts, Not one. Go pick on them for being negative.
  9. Hang the AFC South Banner high. Weren't the old ones taken town...for a reason? Hey, the wonderful thing about diversity is that you have people who don't think forums or threads exist to be a safe-place for positivity bubbles.
  10. I thought the title of the thread was tongue in cheek, and you're pretending its something positive just to have an excuse to get on me. Typical. Overall, I hate the forum when it gets cluttered up by over emotional posts that think the Colts are going to be good this year because they had false hope about AR, then later clutter up the forum all frustrated and mad and * when they realize their feelings lied to them about reality. Both the joyful hope and then the inevitable depression are simply posts that never should have been made in the first place. Wipe away the extreme posts on both sides, and the forum might attract new members that participate and talk actual football..
  11. I just wish for more substantial achievements. It keeps from getting over excited about mediocrity.
  12. Hang a 2024 AFC South Division Winner banner in Lucas Oil. Now there is something to be proud of. Such a compelling goal.
  13. Well, as QB he kinda sucked in college, and he had only 4 games last year which really means nothing, so I haven't seen much progress beyond suck so far. I can't think of any excuse that would mitigate that conclusion. But he should continue to play, because it was never thought this team is that good, so its not like playing him hurts anything.
  14. I don't understand the premise that something would happen at 0-3. What exactly were the fans' expectations coming into the season.....more importantly .....why? AR is an inexperienced at playing QB, not just NFL rookie inexperience but inexperience playing the position at all. There were no starter FA additions to a mediocre defense last season. Latu and ADs are rookies in their 3rd game. 0-3 doesn't mean you can't achieve the 7-10, 8-9 a reasonable person would have expected for the season. If expectations were higher, that's on you and not the Colts 0-3 performance thus far. Maybe 0-6, probably 0-9 might mean something for Gus. Shane is safe for 3 years at least.
  15. When somebody whips out the stats it tells me they do not understand the situation much. With Doyel its not surprising. The issue with AR is accuracy. Was Manning inaccurate? How much did accuracy play a part in the stats that were used? Did Manning try to force the ball because he trusted his arm, while AR just misses a throw? Big difference. Doyel is simply trying to excuse AR and found some stats to present so it would look like he was on a no different path than Manning.
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