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Indianapolis Colts



Well here we are: an AFC Championship game and a Cory Redding guarantee. This team has amazed and baffled, from great wins to head scratching blowouts; we are truly battle tested. And yet, the main stream media would rather discuss Andrew Lucks beard and why the other team lost. All of that said we are truly blessed to be the home town of the horseshoe. So the next time you hear a tight lipped man (who shall remain unnamed) on ESPN 2 say anything about OUR guy, OUR team or OUR owner; remember this Tim Tebow, Robert Griffin and Johnny Manziel: those were his guys. Andrew Luck he is ours.

Go Colts!! Go Indy!!


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Yeah, Skippy likes talkin down Luck but is just sour cause guys he picked r MEDIOCRE! He will never get behind Luck unless we beat Pats n shut him up. #GOCOLTS #BLEEDBLUE

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